Alchemilla: therapeutic properties, what it is used for, uses


What is alchemilla used for, main uses with therapeutic properties of this herb with yellow-green flowers, how infusions and decoctions are prepared with indication of dosages.

Alchemilla how to use it

It is a grass with a woody rhizome from the apex of which stems about twenty centimeters high.

It has leaves marked by fan-shaped ribs and marginally divided into several lobes.

The flowers, collected in inflorescences, are very small in size, devoid of corolla and with a calyx formed by 4 yellow and green sepals.

It is found mainly in the meadows and in the humid mountain forests.

About the properties, the alchemilla exerts a tonic and astringent action.

It is mainly used against diarrhea and, the fluid extract, against leucorrhea.

The decoction is used to prepare gargles to be used against pharyngitis and inflammation of the mouth in general.

Preparations with Alchemilla

- Infusion: 60 grams per liter of water, ideal for diarrhea and leukorrhea.

- Decoction: 100 grams per liter of water.

- Fluid extract: 3 grams per day to be taken dissolved in a glass of water against leucorrhea.

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Alpine alchemilla

It has a large rhizome with basal leaves palmate and divided into about 6 serrated lacinias.

The flowers are collected in inflorescences, while the properties are similar to those mentioned above for the alchemilla.

Being an astringent, it is used externally in bruises, the infusion is prepared with 60 grams of drug per liter of water.

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Tags: Herbs