Calendula: what is herbal tea for, cosmetic properties


What is Calendula herbal tea for, physical characteristics and cosmetic properties of this medicinal plant, internal applications through infusion, herbal tea and mother tincture to be applied on wounds and sores.

Uses of calendula

Annual plant, fifty centimeters high, calendula has an erect and branched stem.

It is equipped with lanceolate leaves, the lower ones have a petiole, while the upper ones are devoid of them, as they are directly connected to the stem and the branches they embrace with their base.

The yellow-orange flowers are collected in typical flower heads.

Flowering occurs in the spring and in some cases around mid-February.

The drug is composed of the whole aerial part of the plant, in particular from the flowers which must first be collected dry and then dried quickly in the sun before storing them in a dry place for proper conservation.

Keep in mind that the plant as a whole gives off a bad smell.

Among the main properties of Calendula, the one relating to sweating, purifying, emmenagogues and cicatrizing effects should be noted.

Some connoisseurs argue that calendula preparations administered to anemic and nervous women, or to those with oncoming menstrual flow, allow to be able to observe discrete benefits.

As an external application, it is recommended to use it to relieve pains related to sores, burns, ulcerated chilblains and eczema.

For administration by infusion 15 grams of fresh calenduala flowers crushed in 300 grams of boiling water are recommended.

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To make a tincture you need 20 grams of crushed calendula fresh flowers, 65 grams of spirit and 40 grams of water.

This preparation should be put in a tightly closed jar for 8 days, shaking it periodically and finally filtering it before using it to make compresses on sores and wounds.

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Tags: Herbs