Christmas nativity scene: representation of the birth of Jesus


The Christmas nativity scene seen as a representation of the Birth of Jesus with the reproduction of the characters and landscapes in the historical context of the time.

The Christmas nativity scene commemorates the birth of Jesus

The nativity scene represents the reconstruction of the period concerning the Birth of Jesus Christ which aims to reproduce all the characters and places traditionally involved in the Happy Event.

The cribs are made in different contexts but the traditional one, which sees the story of the nativity being told with characters and places of the time, is undoubtedly the most used.

The fundamental traits of a Christmas nativity scene are the cave and the stars including the comet, the Baby Jesus, Mary, Joseph, the Three Kings, the shepherds, the ox and the donkey, lambs and sheep, crafts of the time .

The cribs in which realistic materials are used are very beautiful, such as water bottle, wooden bark, stones and flowing water to create an even more suggestive atmosphere.

The first living Christmas nativity scene was made by St. Francis of Assisi on Christmas Eve in 1223 at Greccio, in the province of Rieti, as a representation of the Nativity of the Child Jesus using living characters and the scenery of the place made by a complex of buildings. whose primitive nucleus dates back to the years in which the Saint lived there.

Manger scene of birth of baby Jesus (May 2024)

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