February 28: saint of the day, name day


The saint of the day 28 February is San Romano di Condat, which name day is celebrated and other saints who are celebrated on this date.

San Romano di Condat

San Romano is said of Condat from the name of the French place where he lived between 390 and 463, carrying on his work of Christian testimony.

At that time, the Word of God had spread throughout Italy and beyond, overcoming the borders of the peninsula, where, however, it still struggled to take root.

The main form in which the Catholic religion spread in France was that of monasticism, following the example of the Eastern hermit monks.

The life of San Romano must be reconnected right at the beginning of monasticism in the Gauls, particularly in the region of the Jura mountain range.

San Romano, born in the town of Izernore in the Ain department, had a brother and sister, respectively Lupicino and Yole, later involved in the history of his holiness.

Sent by his parents to study at the nearby monastery of Ainay near Lyon, Romano learned many things, being impressed mainly by reading a book, entitled "The Life of the Desert Fathers", where the privations suffered by the Desert Fathers of the desert were narrated. Thebaid, who had chosen to mortify their bodies to obtain the glory of God.

When he was about 35 years old, he decided to leave the convent, not to abandon the path marked by Christ but to follow it in an even more involving way.

For this reason he undertook the life of a hermit, retreating to the most remote corners of the Jura mountains, living outdoors and sowing the bare minimum to feed himself.

With prayer and fasting he ardently desired to draw his soul closer to God.

With his example he managed to have followers, among whom the first was his brother Lupicino who, having lost his wife, decided to follow in Romano's footsteps, also starting to be a hermit.

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Since the number of those who wanted to join the two brothers was growing more and more, Romano in 445 made the decision to establish a monastery in Condat, while his brother Lupicino founded another in Leuconne.

Sister Yole also later joined them in this lifestyle choice and a women's convent was also set up at La Balme.

Since then the three communities grew in total harmony with each other.

San Romano had a mild, good and kind character, while Lupicino had the characteristics of a firm and rigid man.

For this reason the two brothers compensated each other to make the monastic community proceed in the best possible way.

The affection of the faithful, however, was mainly oriented towards Romano, for his extreme kindness and for always having a good word for everyone.

Tradition has it that he agreed to sleep under the roof of two lepers, without any fear of embracing them, and the two lepers miraculously healed.

At the beginning of 463 Romano had just enough time to open another monastery in Switzerland, before his death came on February 28th.

Other saints and celebrations of February 28

  • Blessed Daniele Alessio Brottier
  • Priest

  • Saints Marana and Cira
  • Virgin

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