Henry Ford's phrases: aphorisms, famous quotes


Henry Ford's aphorisms and phrases, famous quotes from this capable American businessman who dedicated his production activity to Ford brand cars.

Quotes by Henry Ford

- Profit is the natural consequence of a job well done.

- Luckily the population does not understand our banking and monetary system, because if you understood it, I believe that a revolution would break out before tomorrow.

- Quality means doing things right when nobody is looking at you.

- My best friend is the one who can bring out the best in me.

- When everything seems to be against, remember that the plane takes off against the wind, not with the wind in the tail.

- What is not there does not break.

- Those who fear failure will limit their activities. Failure is only the smartest opportunity to start over.

- It is not the company that pays wages. The company simply handles money. It is the customer who pays the wages.

- Genius is rarely recognized for what it is: a great capacity for hard work.

- Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, working together is success.

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- Everything that happens to you depends on you.

- If money is your hope for independence, you will never have it. The only real security that a man can have in this world is a supply of knowledge, experience and skills.

- A business where you only earn money is not a business.

- One of the greatest discoveries a man can make, one of his greatest surprises, is finding out that he can do what he was afraid of not being able to do.

- Whether you think you can or can't ... you're right.

- Those who give up are more numerous than those who fail.

- Start somewhere: you cannot build a reputation on what you intend to do.

- Enthusiasm is the basis for all progress.

- The time and money spent on helping men do more for themselves is much better than just giving.

- We need good people, not just good people.

Henry Ford's aphorisms

- The lawyer is the banker's natural accomplice.

- I don't consider the machines that bear my name simply machines. If it were only that, I would have dealt with something else. For me they are the concrete realization of a theory that aims to make this world a better place for men.

- Don't find fault. Find the remedy.

- Obstacles are those scary things you see when you take your eyes off the goal.

- What we call bad is simply ignorance, which beats its head in darkness.

- Anyone who stops learning is old, who is twenty or eighty years old. Anyone who continues to learn remains young. The biggest thing in life is to keep your mind young.

- Money is like an arm or a leg: either you use it or you lose it.

- Thinking is the heaviest job there is.

- If there is a secret of success, it is this: understanding the other's point of view and seeing things through his eyes.

- Those who are afraid of failures limit their activities. Failure is simply an opportunity to start again, this time more intelligently.

- Do more for the world than the world does for you - this happened.

- The best we can do is seize the opportunities, calculate the associated risks, estimate our ability to manage them, and do our projects with confidence.

- When we work we have to work. When we play we have to play ... When the job is done, then the game can come, but not before.

- One of the most remarkable results of keeping the price of our cars low was the gradual decrease in the duration of the production cycle. The more the article moves slowly in production, in fact, the more it costs.

- Those who stop advertising to save money are as if they stop the clock to save time.

- Above all else, being ready is the secret to success.

- Only those who don't dare don't make mistakes.

- The two most important things do not appear in a company's balance sheet: its reputation and its men.

- First we put the cars on the road, then the roads also come.

- We need good people, not just good people.

Henry Ford phrases

- There is real progress only when the benefits of a new technology become for everyone.

- I am looking for several men who have the infinite ability to not know what cannot be done.

- It is better to sell a large number of cars with a low reasonable margin than to sell less with a large profit margin ... This allows more people to buy and enjoy (the car) and gives more people a job at a good salary. These are two purposes that I have in life.

- You can do anything if you have enthusiasm. Enthusiasm is the leaven that allows your hopes to rise to the stars. With it, there are achievements. Without it there are only alibis.

- You cannot build a reputation on what you intend to do.

- Whether you think you can do it or not, you are right.

- Life is a series of experiences, each of which makes us bigger, even if it is difficult to realize it. Because the world was created to develop character, and we must learn that the reversals and sufferings we endure help us on our way.

- The man who is too static in changing is already dead. The funeral is a simple detail.

- Those who cut their wood heat up twice.

- Whether you think you can do it or not, you will still be right.

- A business where you only earn money is not a business.

- Capital punishment is as fundamentally wrong for the cure of crime as charity is wrong for the cure of poverty.

- The abolition of the alcohol trade is as definitive as the abolition of slavery.

- Each failure is only an opportunity to become smarter.

- An idealist is a person who helps others to thrive.

- Small machines, small profits.

- There is no happiness except in realizing that we have accomplished something.

- Ducks lay their eggs in silence. Hens, on the other hand, cackle like crazy. What is the consequence? The whole world eats chicken eggs.

- Thinking is the hardest job there is, and that's probably why so few people dedicate themselves to it.

The Wisdom of Henry Ford - Famous Quotes (May 2024)

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