June 20: saint of the day, name day


The saint of the day 20 June is San Silverio, which name day is celebrated and other saints who are celebrated on this date.

San Silverio

When Pope Agapito died, there was a period of uncertainty which made one think of a difficult election of the new pontiff.

Contrary to the forecasts, however, Silverio was soon elected as bishop of Rome and pope of the Catholic Church.

Meanwhile, Sicily was occupied by Belisarius, general of Justinian, and the following year Rome was also occupied.

Justinian's wife, who was called Theodora and was a follower of Eutiche's heresy, took the opportunity to ask her husband to go to the Pope to try to convince him to rehabilitate Bishop Antino, who had been suspended from the task of administering the diocese of Constantinople because declared heretical.

Pope Silverio rejected the proposal, saying that it was not possible to entrust the sheep redeemed by the blood of Christ to a heretic, even at the cost of losing one's life.

Further attempts were made but, since Silverio did not yield to threats, he was brought to Constantinople in front of the angry empress for her refusal.

The papal vestments were removed and he was covered with a simple monk's habit, then he was boarded on a ship that transported him to exile in Pàtara, a city in Asia Minor.

The faithful of Silverio, among whom discontent meandering over the unpleasant situation that had arisen, were made to believe that it was the Pope himself who asked for the transfer because he needed to retire to solitude.

The bishop of Patara welcomed him joyfully and promised that he would appeal to Justinian, knowing that he considered himself a Christian and that for this reason perhaps he would do justice.

At first the emperor was sorry for what had happened and, wishing that the Pope would return to his place, he ordered that he be brought back to Rome.

Recommended readings
  • June 17: saint of the day, name day
  • June 9: saint of the day, name day
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  • June 4: saint of the day, name day
  • June 26: saint of the day, name day

But his wife managed to influence him again, to such an extent that he was convinced to relegate the pontiff to an island in the Tyrrhenian Sea.

Pope Silverio, this time he had to undergo all kinds of humiliation and suffering, until he died of hunger on June 20, 538.

His body, after it was moved to Rome, was deposited in San Pietro, becoming over time a popular destination for pilgrimages for the many graces and miracles attributed to him.

Other saints and celebrations on June 20

  • Blessed Dermot (Dermizio) O’Hurley
  • Bishop and martyr

  • Sant'Ettore
  • Martyr

  • Blessed Francesco Pacheco and companions
  • Jesuit martyr in Japan

  • San Giovanni (Scalcione) from Matera
  • Abbot

  • Blessed Giovanni Battista Zola
  • Priest and martyr

  • San Gobano
  • Hermit

  • Blessed Margherita Ball
  • Family mother, martyr

  • Blessed Margherita Ebner
  • Dominican

  • St. Methodius of Olympus
  • Bishop and martyr

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Tags: June