Montecchio Maggiore (Veneto): what to see


What to see in Montecchio Maggiore, itinerary including the main monuments and places of interest, including the Church of San Pietro, Villa Cordellina, Castelli di Giulietta and Romeo.

Tourist information

Located in the Agno valley, Montecchio Maggiore is a town economically focused on agriculture and industry.

In the past it was first under the dominion of Ezzelino da Romano, then passed to the Scala and Visconti families, before becoming an integral part of the Serenissima Republic of Venice.

The Church of San Pietro, dating back to the sixteenth century but remodeled several times in later periods, preserves some sculptures of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, as well as a magnificent altarpiece from the early sixteenth century, made by the painter Buonconsiglio and depicting the Madonna della Sapienza .

The Villa Cordellina, which was built in the eighteenth century by Massari, contains important frescoes by Tiepolo in the main hall, and in the garden there are several noteworthy sculptures.

What see

The villa complex includes the main residence, the barchesse, the turrets and the grandiose rustic.

The Castle of the Villa and the Castle of Bellaguardia, better known respectively as Romeo's Castle and Juliet's Castle, are two castles in the area, having reduced dimensions and located not far from each other, in a panoramic and strategic position, above a hill overlooking Montecchio Maggiore.

The Priare di Montecchio Maggiore are a system of underground quarries located on top of the hilly ridge of Montecchio Maggiore, just below the Bellaguardia castle.

These quarries, now in disuse and from which the Vicenza stone was extracted since Roman times, are characterized by a constant temperature, also in the deepest part flows a source of water.


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