Mount a computer: what you need, choice of operating system


How to mount a computer in total autonomy, an operation that can only be carried out by those who have a certain natural predisposition to carry out this type of DIY work, as well as a minimum of knowledge acquired by reading magazines or tutorials on the internet.

What components to buy, operating system

The fundamental components to buy to put a PC together are: case or cabinet, the container of the main elements, the power supply, the fans, the motherboard, the video card, the processor, the Ram memory, the hard disk or disk fixed, an optical reading unit.

To these you can add other optional ones according to your needs, for example a burner, a webcam, etc.

To choose the right components to assemble you must first of all take into account the use that you will have to make of the computer, the operating system to be installed and the monetary capacity to proceed with the purchase represented by the sum that you intend to invest in our computer companion who we have to create.

As for the operating system, at the time of writing, we can think for example of the current version of Windows, the Vista that is offered in various versions including windows vista premium and windows vista business just to mention the two with better value for money , respectively dedicated to those who use the PC at home or in the office for work.

There are open source alternatives to windows, downloadable from the net for free, including the various Linux distributions based on the unix system that over the years have approached and in some cases reached the extreme ease of use of windows.

Currently the linux distribution that seems more valid for ease of use is Ubuntu which appears more capable than others in the immediate recognition of the various components of the computer by automatically installing the necessary drivers.

Returning to Windows Vista it seems appropriate to point out that, in the face of a clear general improvement compared to previous versions, the real resources required for the best user experience have increased.

If with windows xp you could for example be more than calm with 1 gig of ram, with Vista it is advisable to install 2 of them.

In theory much less would be enough but, considering the latest generation of programs and games, audio and video processing, the increasingly popular photo editing among users who practice the now widespread digital photography, definable performances are obtained only with a quantity of 2 gig satisfactory.

The motherboard is the base to which all the other components belong, composed of sophisticated electrical circuits to interface all the components with each other.

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The motherboard must be compatible with the components to be connected, both as plugs and as voltage.

For example, the housing for the processor, also called the socket, must be compatible with the processor to be mounted, for the number of pins, voltage, frequency, etc.

Choose an Operating System to Start or Press TAB to Select a Tool (April 2024)

Tags: Computer technology