October 15: saint of the day, name day


The Saint of the day 15 October is Saint Teresa of Avila, which name day is celebrated and other saints who are celebrated on this date.

Saint Teresa of Avila

Greatness and humility distinguish the character of this great mystique, which constantly felt the presence of God beside itself and at the same time, as a great ascetic, he realized how close the demon was with his temptations.

Born into an important Spanish family, she entered Carmel at a very young age, leading up to forty years, a very mitigated, not to say mediocre, religious life, without ardor of holiness.

But in 1555, the lukewarm Carmelite woman stopped leading her life mainly for herself and God began to live in her.

Crossed by divine fire, she experienced no uncertainties, had no weaknesses, nor any fear of adversity, persecution and even condemnation, firmly believed that

the Lord wants courageous and humble souls capable of undertaking great things in the spiritual life.

She was responsible for the reform of Carmel and the foundation of new convents, male and female, in which asceticism became a word full of meaning.

A lover of a comfortable time, she began to travel enduring hardships and discomforts, despite the unstable health that caused her frequent ailments.

When she was wounded in the leg, she turned to God with the frankness of a resolute woman saying to him: "Lord, after so much trouble, this trouble was also needed!".

God replied, "Teresa, I treat my friends like this." And she, in return: "Ah, my God, now I understand why you have so few of them!".

She was the "mother" of all the Discalced Carmelites, who let themselves be guided by her, guided by God through visions and intimate conversations.

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She was a teacher of mystics, like the poet San Giovanni della Croce, and spiritual director.

The honor of Spain and the Church was defined, but more than that we should speak of love, because Saint Teresa, who died in 1582 at the age of sixty-seven, was the perfect example of a spiritual marriage with God.

She was proclaimed Doctor of the Church.

Other saints and celebrations on 15 October

  • San Barses (Barsen) of Edessa
  • Bishop

  • Blessed Gonsalvo of Lagos
  • Saint Magdalene from Nagasaki
  • Martyr

  • Blessed Narciso Basté Basté
  • Jesuit priest, martyr

  • San Severo di Trier
  • Bishop

    അനുദിന വിശുദ്ധർ (Saint of the Day) October 15th- Saint Teresa of Ávila (May 2024)

Tags: October