Phrases about ivy: quotes and aphorisms


Selection of quotes, aphorisms and phrases about ivy, considered by many to be the queen of climbing plants, without flowers and characteristic leaves, ideal for covering tree trunks and walls.

Quotes about ivy

- The walls must have the stain of time before the ivy grows. (Elizabeth Barrett Browning)

- Tomorrow we will build a dream nest of words, above, with the ivy that descends from his letters. (Nazik al-Mala'ika)

- True friends are like the wall and ivy: together they stand and fall together. (Thomas Carlyle)

- Proverbs: ruins instead of ancient stories, in which, like ivy around a wall, a moral wraps itself around a gesture. (Walter Benjamin)

- An idyll: the friendship of ivy for the old wall. (Anne Godillon Barratin)

- A man grows old, and suddenly many people turn ivy, because he has made himself oak. (Rivarol)

- The ivy expands: it cannot contain the beauty of the leaves. So also poetry, as if he had stolen the letters to heaven to write. (Rabindranath Tagore)

- The architects hide their mistakes under the ivy, the doctors under the ground and the cooks under the mayonnaise. (George Bernard Shaw)

Aphorisms on ivy

- The wall must be stained with time before the ivy grows. (Elizabeth Barrett Browning)

- The roses were all red and the ivy all black. (Paul Verlaine)

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- A drop of rain was shaking on the ivy. All night it remained in the damp shadow that the moon suddenly illuminated. (José Emilio Pacheco)

- And I see my words far away. More than mine they are yours. They climb my old pain like ivy. (Pablo Neruda)

- What's best in thought clings like dead ivy on old dead bricks. (William Faulkner)

- The re-germinating ivies rose on the old peeling wall with a surge of youth; they twisted around the roof beams like living trunks; they covered the vermilion bricks of a tent with small leathery, shiny leaves, similar to enamel strips; they attacked the cheerful shingles of nests. (Gabriele D’Annunzio)

- The leaves of holly, mistletoe and ivy reflected light like many small mirrors. (Charles Dickens)

Phrases on ivy

- Looking for a protector? And how dark ivy that leans against the guardian tree climbing and licking the zest, could I go up smart and not by force instead? (Cyrano de Bergerac)

- There are many cultivated ivies, but among them toothed Hedera, with very wide leaves, and the small marbled "Caenwood" stand out for unmatched beauty. (Gertrude Jekyll)

- What's best in thought clings like dead ivy on old dead bricks. (William Faulkner)

- Excellent plant for the ornithophile, it is climbing or crawling on the ground, but blooms only when it reaches the light. Very attractive to insects when flowering in September-October, it is useful for birds when it produces its berries in May and June. The wren loves to stay there. Very slandered as a tree strangler, in truth it does no harm until it reaches (which rarely occurs) to completely cover the crown. Encourage her. (Tony Soper)

- It was a true copy of a Normandy Hôtel de Ville, with a tower on one side, brand new under a sparse growing ivy beard, a marble swimming pool, and more than twenty hectares of lawn and garden. It was Gatsby's palace. (Francis Scott Fitzgerald)

- Here and there, between the cracks, vermilion flowers gush like drops of blood, or long shoots of ivy hang like green tears. (Heinrich Heine)

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