Phrases about rain: aphorisms, quotes


Collection of phrases about rain, funny aphorisms and famous quotes on this particular atmospheric phenomenon capable of arousing multiple sensations.

Rain aphorisms

- Some say that the rain is bad, but they don't know that it allows you to turn your head high with your face covered in tears. (Cherles Chaplin)

- The best thing you can do when it rains is to let it rain. (Henry Wadsworth Longfellow)

- The rain, when it first fell, seemed to resemble the murmur of their voices, got up and swelled a little from time to time due to the gusts of emotions. (Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald)

- Some people walk in the rain, others just get wet. (Roger Miller)

- Rain slips through your fingers as easily as words are blown by the wind, but has the power to destroy your whole world. (Karen Maitland)

- Some people make such careful preparations for rainy days that they are not enjoying the sun today. (William A. Feather)

- A downpour gives its teachings. If the rain surprises you halfway, and you walk faster to find shelter, you will still get wet when you go under the eaves or in the open areas. If, on the other hand, you admit the possibility of getting wet from the beginning, you will not be sorry, even if you get wet. The same mood, by analogy, applies on other occasions. (Yamamoto Tsunetomo)

- If a child asks where the rain comes from, I think a nice answer is to say "God is crying". And if he asks why God is crying, another nice answer is "Probably for something you've done." (Jack Handey)

- I like walking in the rain, so nobody can see me cry. (Charlie Chaplin)

- The wind is a friend of gossip, rain is a friend of feelings, fog is a friend of plots. (Ma Changsan)

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- Love restores like the heat of the sun after the rain. (William Shakespeare)

- Rain is life; rain is the descent of heaven on earth; without the rain, there could be no life. (John Updike)

- When it is foggy, in the evening, and I go out walking alone, it seems to me that the rain falls in my heart by breaking it into a thousand pieces. (Gustave Flaubert)

- There are delicious spring rains in which the sky seems to cry with joy. (Paul Jean Toulet)

- Has anyone ever stopped the rain because a meadow was rotting? (Sorin Cerin)

- During the seventies and eighties it rained a lot in Seattle, that's why there was always anger on the sets. (John Requa)

- The unwelcome November rain had perversely stolen the last hour of the day and had pledged it with that ancient obstacle, the night. (Francis Scott Fitzgerald)

- It was raining so hard that seasickness came while I was walking home. (Milton Berle)

- Museum: the last resort of a rainy afternoon. (Heinrich Boll)

- In the rain we were all closer. Now everyone has his shadow. (Eero Suvilehto)

- In Ireland you understand that it is summer because the rain is less cold. (Hal Roach)

- I believe in the sun, even when it rains. (Anne Frank)

- It rained so hard that all the swine became clean and all the men dirty. (Georg Christoph Lichtenberg)

Quotes about rain

- The real solitude was a fuzzy red: the color of the tail lights of the car in front of you, mirrored on the wet road in the rain. (Stephen king)

- The wind has stopped and under the trees there is the supernatural light that follows the rain. (Marguerite Duras)

- I woke up to the sound of the rain. (Sylvia Plath)

- There are three things you can do in a baseball game: you can win or you can lose or it can rain. (Casey Stengel)

- The next time it starts to rain ... lie on your stomach, sink your chin into the grass, and see how the rain falls from the point of view of the frog ... The vision of hundreds of blades of grass that bow and rise like piano keys strikes me as one of the most beautiful shows in the world. (Malcolm Margolin)

- The three great elementary sounds in nature are the sound of rain, the sound of wind in a primeval forest, and the sound of the great ocean on a beach. (Henry Beston)

- Clouds float in my life, no longer bring rain or storm, but add color to the sky at sunset. (Rabindranath Tagore)

- He was so thin that by zigzagging he could pass through the raindrops without getting wet. (Diego Chozas)

- Murphy's law is recursive. Washing your car to make it rain won't work. (Arthur Bloch)

- When I am sad I wear rain, so that I can keep company; for an instant even the sky is part of me. (Stephen Littleword)

- At night I dream that you and I are two plants that have grown together with intertwined roots ... and that you know the earth and rain like my mouth, because we are made of earth and rain. (Pablo Neruda)

- The rain falls as we fall in love: to disregard expectations. (Martin Page)

- The rain produces two contradictory phenomena: it makes snails appear and taxis disappear. (Paulo Vincente)

- As I see it, if you want the rainbow, you have to resign yourself to enduring the rain. (Dolly Parton)

- Happiness is to pet a warm hot puppy, to stay in bed while it is raining outside, to walk on the grass with bare feet, it is the hiccup after it has passed. (Charlie Brown)

- Many men curse the rain that falls on their heads, and do not know that it brings abundance that sends hunger away. (San Basilio)

- It always rains on tents. Thunderstorms travel thousands of kilometers, against prevailing winds for the opportunity to rain on a tent. (Dave Barry)

- The rain fell in the same way on the just and the wicked; and there was no reason for anyone. (William Somerset Maugham)

- Even a stone is consumed by too heavy rain. (Arthur Golden)

- It cries in my heart as it rains on the city. (Paul Verlaine)

- Life is the fire that burns and the sun that gives light. Life is wind, rain and thunder in the sky. Life is matter and it is earth, what is and what is not, and what is beyond is in Eternity. (Lucio Anneo Seneca)

- In a raindrop you can see the colors of the sun. (Lewis Bernstein Namier)

- Millions are those who want immortality, and then they don't know what to do on Sunday afternoon if it rains. (Susan Ertz)

Phrases about rain

- Why don't you get out of that wet raincoat and get into a dry martini? (Robert Charles Benchley)

- Don't be angry with the rain; he just doesn't know how to fall to the top. (Vladimir Nabokov)

- Rain! Whose soft architectural hands have the power to cut stones and chisel the great shapes of the mountains. (Henry Ward Beecher)

- Rain also looks better when the sun is shining. (R.Vogelzang)

- There are days when the rain seems to have been invented to accompany the notes played slowly by a sax. (Francis Dannemark)

- When it rains, it pours. (Arthur Bloch)

- You raise your body towards the rain clouds, your breath fills with water. Look at the shape of the drops, yourself, reflected like an image. (Tiina Lehikoinen)

- There are some who feel the rain; others can only get wet. (Roger Miller)

- A single and delicate rain makes the grass much greener. (Henry David Thoreau)

- It rains on the just and it also rains on the unjust; but on the right more, because the unjust steals his umbrella. (Lord Bowen)

- When it rains, I divide my umbrella, if I don't have an umbrella, I divide the rain. (Enrique Ernesto Febbraro)

- I love rain, wash away memories from the sidewalks of life. (Woody Allen)

- It takes both the sun and the rain to make a rainbow. (March Grad Powers)

- On long rainy days, even the moments seem tired, they flow slowly as if to whisper their sadness to the world. (Stephen Littleword)

- If you think it will rain, it will. (Clint Eastwood)

- Don't cry for me I'm leaving, but think that if it rains tomorrow I went to look for the Sun. (Jim Morrison)

- The sun after the rain is much more beautiful than the sun before the rain! (Mehmet Murat ildan)

- There are only two things a man and woman can do on a rainy day. And I don't like to watch television. (Carol Burnet)

- The rain writes like a child lying on its page, with oblique and slow, diligent lines. (Christian Bobin)

- Whoever wants to see the rainbow, must learn to love the rain. (Paulo Coelho)

- Rain was invented for man to feel happy under a roof. (Sylvain Tesson)

- Some say that the rain is bad, but they don't know that it allows you to turn your head high with your face covered in tears. (Jim Morrison)

- Some say the rain is aimless and others say it is full of memories and desires. (Tagor Manroo)

???? 13《飛鳥集 》泰戈爾詩集 (13)Stray Birds • 1916 • Rabindranath Tagore ♥ ♪♫*• (May 2024)

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