Phrases about the passing of time: quotes, aphorisms


Quotes, aphorisms and phrases about time passing, maxims about past time, thoughts on how to live the present and future time, making the best use of every moment of life that goes away.

Quotes about the passing of time

- Time cools, time clarifies; no mood can be kept completely unchanged in the passing of the hours.

- We all have our time machines. Some bring us back, and are called memories. Some carry us on, and are called dreams.

- In the name of God, stop for a moment, stop working, look around. (Lev Tolstoj)

- When a man sits next to a pretty girl for an hour, it seems that a minute has passed. But let him sit on a burning stove for a minute and it will seem longer than any hour. This is relativity. (Albert Einstein)

- The purpose of the job is to earn free time.

- If time were only gold ..., you could also afford to lose it. But time is life, and you don't know how much you have left. (Saint Josemaria Escrivà de Balaguer)

- Time is like a river: it never goes back to the source. (Count of Rivarol)

- Every second is of infinite value, because it is the representative of an entire eternity. (Goethe)

- It takes little to reproach a man, but it takes a long time to forget a reproach.

- Time and patience can more than strength or anger. (Jean De La Fontaine)

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- Time moves in one direction, memories in another. (William Gibson)

- Time is used without saving, as if it cost nothing. (Lucio Anneo Seneca)

- Time cools, time clarifies; no mood can be kept completely unchanged in the passing of the hours. (Thomas Mann)

- Only time will give you the answers you are looking for, and will give them to you when you have forgotten the questions. (Osho)

- We must use time as an instrument, not as an armchair.

- There is only one way to forget time: use it. (Charles Baudelaire)

- Time is the only true capital that a human being has, and the only one who cannot afford to lose. (Thomas Alva Edison)

- It is not true that we have little time: the truth is that we waste a lot of time. (Lucio Anneo Seneca)

- The weather. The largest and oldest of all weavers. But his factory is a secret place, his silent work, his silent hands. (Charles Dickens)

- I threw the clock in the trash. I wanted to waste time. (Boris Makaresko)

Aphorisms about time passing

- When organizing your time, you must also think about how to use the free spaces that will occur at unexpected times. (Saint Josemaria Escriva De Balaguer)

- Those who spend their time badly complain that they can never have enough.

- Time is an excuse. When one loves a thing, time is found.

- You Westerners, you have the time but you never have the time. (Mahatma Gandhi)

- Take time, think about it. Think about everything you have. Because you will still be here tomorrow, but your dreams may not be there. (Cat Stevens)

- We don't have much time, we waste a lot. The great man does not allow him to take away even a minute of his time.

- Don't put off until tomorrow what you could do today.

- Time is too slow for those who wait, too fast for those who fear, too long for those who suffer, too short for those who rejoice, but for those who love time it is eternity. (Henry van Dyke)

- The bad news is that time flies. The good news is that you are the pilot. (Michael Althsuler)

- The time we have available to us daily is elastic: the passions we feel expand it, those we inspire contract it; and habit fills what remains. (Marcel Proust)

- Time, sometimes, does not seem to pass, it is like a swallow nesting on the eaves, it goes out and enters, it comes and goes, but always before our eyes.
(José Saramago)

- You will need time until you understand that you don't need time to be who you are. (Eckhart Tolle)

- Hours are long and life is short. (Francois Fenelon)

- Life is so short that there is no time for quarrels, for rancor and for war. There is only time to love and it lasts only an instant. (Mark Twain)

- I know, not from theory but from experience, that you can live infinitely better with very little money and a lot of free time, than with more money and less time. Time is not money, but it is almost everything else. (Ezra Pound)

- A man who does not know what to do with his time is never aware of invading that of others. (Jane Austen)

- Time is the mobile image of eternity. (Plato)

- Regret the wasted time is further wasted time. (Mason Cooley)

- Young woman, pick the roses, as long as the flower is new and your youth is new, remember that your age will pass so quickly. (Tenth Magno Ausonio)

- Tomorrow is not insured for anyone, young or old. Today may be the last time you see who you love. So don't wait any longer, do it today, because if tomorrow didn't come, you would certainly feel sorry for the day that you didn't have time for a smile, a hug, a kiss and that you were too busy to give one last wish.

Phrases about time passing

- A man who dares to waste an hour of his time has not discovered the value of life. (Charles Darwin)

- Every minute that passes is an opportunity to completely revolutionize everything.

- God gave you a gift of 86,400 seconds today. Did you spend one to thank him? (William Arthur Ward)

- The secret to being unhappy is to have time to constantly ask yourself if you are happy or not.

- We all have our time machines. Some bring us back, and are called memories. Some carry us on, and are called dreams. (Jeremy Irons)

- Make use of every minute; you will be less of a slave to the future if you take over the present. Between postponements and other life goes away. (Lucio Anneo Seneca)

- Our time is limited, so we don't have to waste it living someone else's life. Let us not be trapped by dogmas, which means living by following the results of other people's thoughts. We do not let the noise of others' opinions cloud our inner voice.

- How much time did I waste trying to make up for lost time.

- Don't say you don't have enough time. You have exactly the same number of hours in a day that was given to Michelangelo, Pasteur, Mother Teresa, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson and Albert Einstein. (H. Jackson Brown, Jr)

- A man who dares to waste even an hour of his time has not discovered the value of life. (Charles Darwin)

- Time is the most indefinable and paradoxical of things; the past is gone. The future is not yet there, the present becomes past just as we try to define it and, like a flash of light, it is born and dies at the same instant.

- Time is the only real capital that a human being has, and the only one who cannot afford to lose.

- Life is nothing but a bad quarter of an hour, made up of exquisite moments. (Oscar Wilde)

- There are many things you can buy, materialistically, the only thing you won't be able to get is time. (Nicole Kidman)

- Pick the rose when it is time, because you know time that flies ... and the same flower that blossoms tomorrow will wilt. (Robert Herrick)

- Time flees beyond repair. (Virgil)

- There is a moment to work, and one to love. Which leaves no more time available. (Coco Chanel)

- We do not even think that we will age, nor that time passes, nor that, from the day we are born, we are walking towards a single end. (Carlos Ruiz Zafon)

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