Phrases about vanity: aphorisms, quotes


Quotes, aphorisms and phrases about vanity, or about self-satisfaction, which materializes in a growing desire to be admired for personal qualities that are often only presumed.

Quotes about vanity

- Daily criterion. You will rarely be wrong if you go back to extreme actions to vanity, mediocre ones to habit and petty actions to fear. (Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche)

- No place allows a more evident conviction of the vanity of the human hopes of a public library. (Samuel Johnson)

- Anxieties and passions of the soul are wrapped in vanity, which is the soul of the skin. (Irvin D. Yalom)

- Vanity has its roots in the human heart, vanity, another form of fear of not being loved. (Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni)

- Vanity is definitely my favorite sin. Kevin, he's elementary. Vanity is the most natural opiate. (John Milton)

- Zero, not wanting to go naked, dressed in vanity. (Victor Hugo)

- Our vanity is most offended just when our pride was hurt. (Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche)

- Vanity is nothing more than being sensitive to the opinion of others about us. Pride in being insensitive to it. (Paul Valéry)

- Virtue wouldn't go far if vanity didn't keep them company. (Francois De La Rochefoucauld)

- Does our anxiety not derive from an intimate awareness of our unworthiness, from a discontent of ourselves, which always connects with envy and with a mad vanity? (Goethe)

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- There is no intelligent vanity. (Louis Ferdinand Céline)

- What makes the pain of the jealous so acute is that vanity cannot help to bear it. (Stendhal)

- The best prevention against vanity is pride. (Edmond Thiaudière)

- How foolish is the speaker who walks away happy for the applause of an ignorant audience! Why are you glad to be praised by people whom you cannot praise in turn? (Lucio Anneo Seneca)

- Vanity plays bad jokes on memory. (Joseph Conrad)

- You will rarely be wrong, attributing extreme actions to vanity, mediocre actions to habit and petty actions to fear. (Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche)

Loneliness is the best cure for vanity. (Thomas Clayton Wolfe)

- The frivolous vanity, an insatiable cormorant, does not hesitate to feed on itself. (William Shakespeare)

- Women themselves, against the background of all their personal vanity, still have an impersonal contempt for women. (Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche)

- Even the pain that arises from boredom and from the feeling of the vanity of things is more tolerable than boredom itself. (Giacomo Leopardi)

- Throat and vanity, two passions that grow over the years. (Alessandro Manzoni)

- We all have a lot of shyness as well as many anxieties and worries, all of which vanity is a good antidote. (Mel Brooks)

- The vanity of others affects our taste only when it affects our vanity. (Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche)

- My father said: The politicians ask themselves the question: is it appropriate? Vanity asks: is it popular? But consciousness asks: is it right? (Dexter Scott King)

- The victory of vanity is not modesty, let alone humility, but rather its excess. (José Saramago)

Aphorisms on vanity

- Loudness and innate disloyalty are accompanied by innate vanity. (Arthur Schopenhauer)

- The only cure for vanity is rice, and the only flaw that is ridiculous is vanity. (Henri Louis Bergson)

- Acting for one's own vanity or for the glory of God, this differentiates a juggler from a believer. (Taras Mithrandir)

- We are so vain that we even care about the opinions of those who don't care. (Marie Von Ebner Eschenbach)

- I am so vain that compliments offend me. (Jan Greshoff)

- What selfishness, what stupid vanity, to suppose that something cannot happen just because you can't conceive it! (Philip Gordon Wylie)

- Vanity pushed me towards love; no, towards voluptuousness; nor, towards the flesh. (Gustave Flaubert)

- Vanity is always a sign of kindness. In this way, you want your own good only to the extent that you want the good of others.(Oswald Spengler)

- Vanity is a fundamental aid for nature: completely and absolutely necessary for life. It is one of nature's ways of binding you to the earth. (Elizabeth Smart)

- If vanity is the engine of humanity, flattery is its lubricant. (Jerome Klapka Jerome)

- If a woman often looks in the mirror, it may be not so much a sign of vanity, but of courage. (Mark Twain)

- Vanity has been the recognition card of poets since time immemorial. (Henry Mackenzie)

- As long as a man is not mad, he can be cured of any phobia except vanity. (Jean Jacques Rousseau)

- It is necessary to leave vanity to those who have no other things to exhibit. (Honoré De Balzac)

- Vanity is nothing more than being sensitive to the opinion of others about us. Pride in being insensitive to it. (Paul Valery)

- Of all vanities, the most vain is man. (Michel Eyquem De Montaigne)

- The vanity of some only hurts the vanity of others. (Jacques Deval)

- Everything that is human is subject to human vanity. (Johannes Brahms)

- What makes the vanity of others unbearable for us is that it offends ours. (Francois De La Rochefoucauld)

- Everything is vanity, and realizing it is the greatest vanity of all. (John Oliver Hobbes)

- Human vanity mixes with the noblest ideas and gives them an obstinacy that, without it, otherwise we would not have. (Gottfried Keller)

- I think men are much more vain than women. (Patricia Arquette)

- Fashion is the idol of youth, the most ridiculous and most ruinous of all vanities. (Axel Oxenstierna)

- My vanity is not physical but cerebral. I believe self-awareness is a form of vanity. (Richard Griffiths)

- Selfishness is the natural state of man; vanity that of the woman. (Henri Francois Joseph De Régnier)

Phrases about vanity

- The pride that feeds on vanity ends in contempt. (Benjamin Franklin)

- A philosophy that does not have as its ultimate purpose the spiritual realization of the individual is simple vanity. (Henry Corbin)

- Modesty is a refined form of vanity. It is a lie. (Jean De La Bruyere)

- Flattery is speculation about vanity. When he fails, the flatterer does not portray what he has made of his own, that is contempt. (Abel Dufresne)

- It is only because of an excess of ridiculous vanity that men attribute a soul of a different species to that of animals. (Voltaire)

- Those who pride themselves on having conquered a multitude of friends have never had one. (Samuel Taylor Coleridge)

- Vanity and pride are two very different concepts. One can be proud without being vain. Pride is connected rather to the opinion we have of ourselves, vanity is what we would like the opinion of others to be. (Jane Austen)

- The highest form of vanity is the love of glory. (George Santayana)

- What we do better, our vanity would like to be precisely what we find most difficult. For the origin of some morals. (Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche)

- I could have forgiven his Vanity if he hadn't mortified mine. (Jane Austen)

- It is the vanity of women that makes them spend hours in front of the mirror. It is the vanity of men not to worry about it. (Simon Munnery)

- Show off and you won't pay attention; Your bragging will prove your failure. (Bruce Lee)

- It is a mistake to think that women are vain. Only men are. Women only hope to be the object of that vanity. (Godfried Bomans)

- Tell me what you boast about and I'll tell you what you're missing. (Carlos Ruiz Zafon)

- Pride is a ferocious beast that lives in caves and deserts; vanity instead, like a parrot, jumps from branch to branch and chatters in full light. (Gustave Flaubert)

- No insect builds its nest on threads as fragile as those which support the weight of human vanity. (Edith Newbold Jones Wharton)

- Pride is a ferocious beast that lives in caves and deserts; vanity, on the other hand, is a parrot jumping from branch to branch and chatting in bright light. (Gustave Flaubert)

- The character of a human being is composed mostly of vanity: the rest is a mixture of desires, generosity, fear of death and a sense of honor. (Sandor Marai)

- Vanity is so rooted in the heart of man that each of us wants to be admired, even me who writes these words, and you who read them. (Blaise Pascal)

- We are all ambitious, but we need to understand if there is ambition to do or to be. (Jean Monnet)

- Pride refers to the opinion we have of ourselves, the vanity to what we would like others to think of us. (Jane Austen)

- I have come to the firm conviction that vanity is at the base of everything and that what we call consciousness is nothing but inner vanity. (Gustave Flaubert)

- Men cannot see their reflection in running water, but only in stagnant water. (Chuang Tzu)

- Flattery is a counterfeit currency that has run only thanks to our vanity. (Francois De la Rochefoucauld)

- Pride is a great self-esteem that proceeds from within, and is therefore direct, while vanity is an aspiration to obtain it from outside, that is indirectly. In accordance with this, vanity makes talkative, and pride makes taciturn. (Arthur Schopenhauer)

- Vanity, when working on a weak brain, produces all sorts of negative effects. (Jane Austen)

- For the vain, the other men are admirers. (Antoine De Saint Exupéry)

- Like any other art form, cinema is important only if used to discuss those things we don't want to hear about, otherwise it is just a vanity tool. (Joao Costa Menezes)

- If vanity ever made anyone happy on earth, that someone could only be a fool. (Jean Jacques Rousseau)

- It is unpleasant and tormenting when the body lives and gives importance on its own, without any connection with the spirit. (Thomas Mann)

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