Phrases of Pope Francis: famous quotes, aphorisms


Quotes, aphorisms and phrases of Pope Francis, collection of the most beautiful ones, which have become famous for their ability to give everyone hope, certain of the love of God that must never be doubted, especially in times of crisis or difficulties everyday.

Quotes of Pope Francis

- The only war we all have to fight is the one against evil.

- Following Jesus means sharing his merciful love for every human being.

- Jesus is the sun, Mary is the dawn that heralds its rising.

- Sometimes you can live without knowing your neighbors: this is not living as a Christian.

- Seeking one's happiness in having material things is a sure way not to be happy.

- We are all sinners, but we live the joy of God's forgiveness and walk confidently in his mercy.

- Christ is always faithful. Let us pray that we too will always be faithful to him.

- True charity requires a bit of courage: we overcome the fear of getting our hands dirty to help the most needy.

- The Church has no other purpose and purpose than to witness to Jesus. Let's not forget it!

- We ask the Lord to have the tenderness that makes us see the poor with understanding and love, without calculations and without fear.

Recommended readings
  • Phrases of St. Dominic of Guzman: biography
  • Phrases of Santa Gemma Galgani: quotes and aphorisms
  • Phrases of Saint Anthony of Padua: quotes, aphorisms
  • Phrases of San Filippo Neri: famous aphorisms from the writings
  • Phrases of San Camillo de Lellis: quotes and thoughts

- God's forgiveness is stronger than any sin.

- We don't become Christians with our own strength. Faith is above all a gift of God which is given to us in the Church and through the Church.

- All marriages face difficult moments, but these experiences of the Cross can make the path of love even stronger.

- Where we see hatred and darkness, we try to bring some love and hope, to give a more human face to society.

- Do we really pray? Without a constant relationship with God, it is difficult to have an authentic and coherent Christian life.

- Mercy is the true force that can save man and the world from sin and evil.

- The secret of the Christian life is love. Only love fills the voids, the negative chasms that evil opens in hearts.

- The mystery of the Cross, a mystery of love, can be understood in prayer. Pray and cry on your knees before the Cross.

- When we meet the Cross, we turn to Our Lady: our Mother, give us the strength to accept and embrace the Cross!

- Have mercy, Lord! Many times we are blinded by our comfortable life and do not see those who die near us.

- Dear young people, do not be afraid to take definitive steps in life. Trust, the Lord does not leave you alone!

- Our prayer cannot be reduced to one hour on Sunday; it is important to have a daily relationship with the Lord.

- We do not resign ourselves to evil. God is love who conquered evil in the death and resurrection of Christ.

- Following Jesus means putting him first, stripping us of the many things that suffocate our hearts.

- To get to know the Lord, it is important to attend him: to listen to him in silence before the Tabernacle, to approach the Sacrament.

- The Crucifix does not speak to us of defeat, of failure; it speaks to us of a Love that defeats evil and sin.

- Being Christian means giving up on ourselves, taking the Cross and carrying it with Jesus. There is no other way.

- The culture of waste produces many bitter fruits, from the waste of food to the isolation of many elderly people.

- We participate too often in the globalization of indifference; instead let us try to live a global solidarity.

- If material goods and money become the center of life, they grab us and make us slaves.

Aphorisms of Pope Francis

- A Christian knows how to face difficulties, trials - even defeats - with serenity and hope in the Lord.

- The fight against evil is tough and long; it is essential to pray constantly and patiently.

- To stay faithful and consistent with the Gospel requires courage.

- Saints are people who fully belong to God. They are not afraid of being laughed at, misunderstood or marginalized.

- Our life must be centered on the essential: on Jesus Christ. Everything else is secondary.

- God loves us. We discover the beauty of loving and feeling loved.

- Take care of creation. But above all take care of people who do not have the necessary to live.

- Dear young people, always be missionaries of the Gospel, every day and in every place.

- Jesus wanted to keep his wounds to make us feel his mercy. This is our strength, our hope.

- Confessing our sins costs us a little, but it brings us peace. We are sinners, and we need God's forgiveness.

- Saints are not supermen. They are people who have the love of God in their hearts, and transmit this joy to others.

- Being holy is not a privilege of the few, but it is a vocation for everyone.

- The Kingdom of Heaven is for those who place their security in the love of God, not in material things.

- The sacraments are the presence of Jesus Christ in us. This is why it is important to confess and make Communion.

- Living charity means not seeking one's own interest, but carrying the burdens of the weakest and poorest.

- We learn to be docile to the Word of God, ready for the surprises of the Lord who speaks to us.

- It is difficult for us to forgive others. Lord, give us your mercy, to always forgive.

- The Church calls everyone to let themselves be enveloped by the tenderness and forgiveness of the Father.

- Are your sins great? Tell the Lord: Forgive me, help me get up, transform my heart.

- We are all called to friendship with Jesus. Do not be afraid to let yourself be loved by the Lord.

- Holiness does not mean doing extraordinary things, but doing ordinary things with love and faith.

- The cross is the price of true love. Lord, give us the strength to accept and carry our cross.

- Dear young people, I invite you to put your talents at the service of the Gospel, with creativity and with a charity without borders.

- If we see someone asking for help, will we stop? There is a lot of suffering and poverty, and a great need for good Samaritans.

- You cannot think of a Church without joy. The joy of the Church is this: to announce the name of Jesus to everyone.

- Do not be afraid to approach Confession: in this Sacrament you meet Jesus who forgives you.

- Here is Christian hope: the future is in the hands of God.

- God's love is not generic. God places his gaze of love on every man and woman, with a name and surname.

- Let us pray that God will grant us a world in which no one should ever starve.

- We try to live Christmas in a way that is consistent with the Gospel, welcoming Jesus to the center of our life.

Phrases of Pope Francis

- Advent is a way to Bethlehem. Let us allow ourselves to be attracted by the light of God made man.

- Let us never forget that it is the Lord who guides the Church. It is he who makes our apostolate fruitful.

- If we have found the meaning of life in Jesus, we cannot be indifferent to one who suffers, one who is sad.

- We are all sinners. But let's ask the Lord not to be hypocrites. Hypocrites do not know what forgiveness, joy, and love of God is.

- Are we ready to commit ourselves as coherent Christians, 24 hours a day, to bear witness with our word and our example?

- Charity, patience and tenderness are beautiful treasures. And when you have them, you want to share them with others.

- Jesus did not save us with an idea. He lowered himself and became man. The Word became flesh.

- We learn to "lose" life for Christ, according to the logic of the gift, of sacrifice. With Christ we don't lose anything.

- A Christian can never be bored or sad. Whoever loves Christ is a person full of joy and who spreads joy.

- You cannot live as a Christian outside the rock which is Christ. Christ gives us solidity and firmness, but also joy and serenity.

- The love of Christ and his friendship are not an illusion. Jesus on the cross shows how real they are.

- Jesus is not just a friend. He is a master of truth and life, who reveals the way to achieve happiness.

- The Lord speaks to us through Sacred Scripture, in prayer. We learn to remain silent before Him, to meditate on the Gospel.

- Let us pray for a heart that embraces immigrants. God will judge us based on how we have treated the most needy.

- A Christian is always full of hope; can never be discouraged.

- If we want to follow Christ closely, we cannot seek a comfortable and peaceful life. It will be a busy life, but full of joy.

- Lord, give us the grace to cry over our indifference, about the cruelty that is in the world and in us.

- In the Year of Faith we try to do something concrete every day to get to know Jesus Christ better.

- For a Christian, life is not the product of pure chance, but the fruit of a call and personal love.

- In Christian life prayer, humility, charity towards all are essential: it is the way to holiness.

- God has so much mercy with us. We too learn to have mercy on others, especially those who suffer.

- In this Year of Faith, we remember that faith is not our possession, but must be shared. Every Christian is an apostle.

- Dear young people, Christ trusts you and entrusts his mission to you: go, make disciples.

- We never forget, boys: the Virgin Mary is our Mother and it is with her help that we can remain faithful to Jesus.

- That sport is always an instrument of exchange and growth; never of violence and hatred.

- Christian life is not limited to praying, but requires a continuous and courageous commitment that comes from prayer.

- The measure of the size of a society is given by the way it treats those who are most in need, those who have nothing but their poverty.

- Every Friday allows us to remember how much Jesus suffered for us. Lord, let us never forget how much you love us.

- There is no small or large cross in our life that the Lord does not share with us.

- Bishops are the Pastors of the People of God. Let us follow them with confidence and courage.

Phrases of Pope Francis on diversity

- Dear Guys, you can learn to pray every day: this is the way of knowing Jesus and letting him enter his life.

- We cannot remain closed in the parish, in our communities, when many people are waiting for the Gospel!

- Dear young people, be true "athletes of Christ"! Play on his team!

- Let our life identify with that of Jesus, to have his feelings and thoughts.

- Dear young people, it is worth betting on Christ and the Gospel, risking everything for great ideals.

- The security of faith does not make us immobile and closed, but puts us on the way to bear witness to everyone and dialogue with everyone.

- The light of faith illuminates all our relationships and helps us to live them in union with the love of Christ to live them like him.

- With His coming among us, Jesus came close, touched us; even today, through the sacraments, he touches us.

- All of us are clay pots, fragile and poor, but in which there is the immense treasure that we carry.

- Christ and the Church cannot be separated. The grace of Baptism gives us the joy of following Christ in and with the Church.

- Being children of God and brothers among us: this is the heart of the Christian experience.

- Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, and guide us on the way that leads to Heaven.

- We cannot sleep peacefully while starving children and the elderly have no medical care.

- We can't be part-time Christians. If Christ is the center of our life, He is present in everything we do.

- An excellent life plan for all of us: the Beatitudes and Matthew 25.

- Lord, teach us to get out of ourselves. Teach us to go out into the streets and show your love.

- Don't be afraid to ask God for forgiveness. He never tires of forgiving us. God is pure mercy.

- Jesus is the door that leads to salvation and is a door open to all.

- Let Jesus enter our life, leaving the egoisms, indifferences and closures towards others.

- God's love is not vague, generic; God's love has a name and a face: Jesus Christ.

- Faith is not a decorative, ornamental thing. Having faith means really putting Christ at the center of our life.

- We ask Mary to help us keep our gaze fixed on Jesus, to always follow him, even when it is demanding.

- Jesus coming among us transforms our life. In him we see that God is love, fidelity, life that gives itself.

- We want peace to break out in our society, torn by divisions and conflicts.

- There is no "low cost" Christianity. Following Jesus means going against the current, renouncing evil and selfishness.

- Peace is a good that overcomes every barrier, because it is a good for all humanity.

- We can never lose hope, God floods us with his grace, if we ask for it with perseverance.

- We guard Christ in our lives, we care for each other, we guard creation with love.

- True power is service. The Pope must serve everyone, especially the poorest, weakest, youngest.

- We must not believe in the Evil One who says that we cannot do anything against violence, injustice, sin.

Phrases of Pope Francis on mercy

- Staying with Jesus requires leaving yourself, a tired and habitual way of living the faith.

- Living Holy Week means entering more and more into the logic of God, that of love and self-giving.

- Be close to your priests with affection and prayer, so that they are always Pastors according to the heart of God.

- Accept the Risen Jesus in your life. Even if you have been far away, take a small step towards him: he is waiting for you with open arms.

- God loves us. We shouldn't be afraid to love him. Faith professes itself with the mouth and the heart, with the word and with love.

- How beautiful is the gaze of Jesus on us, how much tenderness! We never lose faith in God's patient mercy.

- Being a Christian does not boil down to following commands, but is letting Christ take possession of our life and transform it.

- If we behave like children of God, feeling loved by him, our life will be new, full of serenity and joy.

- Let us remember it all: the Gospel of Jesus cannot be proclaimed without the concrete testimony of life.

- Worshiping God means learning to be with Him, stripping ourselves of our hidden idols, putting it at the center of our life.

- Jesus' Ascension into heaven does not indicate his absence, but that he is alive among us in a new way, close to each of us.

- Entering into the glory of God requires daily fidelity to his will, even when it requires sacrifice.

- My sheep listen to my voice and I know them. Jesus' voice is unique! He guides us on the way of life.

- Each of us has in our hearts the desire for love, truth, life ... and Jesus is all this in fullness.

- Mary is the woman of "Yes", Mary help us to know Jesus' voice better and to follow it.

- We keep our faith alive with prayer, with the sacraments; we are vigilant so as not to forget God.

- In this period of crisis it is important not to close in on yourself, but to open up, to be attentive to the other.

- Dear young people, do not bury the talents, the gifts that God has given you! Don't be afraid to dream big things!

- The Holy Spirit truly transforms us and wants to transform, also through us, the world in which we live.

- How nice if each of us in the evening could say: today I made a gesture of love for others.

- We trust in the action of God! With him we can do great things; it will make us feel the joy of being his disciples.

- Dear young people, learned from St. Joseph, who has had difficult moments, but has never lost confidence, and has been able to overcome them.

- I think of those who are unemployed, often because of a selfish mentality that seeks profit at any cost.

- It would be nice, in the month of May, to recite the Holy Rosary together in the family. Prayer makes family life even stronger.

- We ask the Virgin Mary to teach us to live our faith in everyday actions, and to give more space to the Lord.

- Every Christian is a missionary insofar as he testifies to the love of God. Be missionaries of the tenderness of God!

- We ask the Lord that our whole Christian life is a luminous testimony of his mercy and his love.

- Don't settle for a mediocre Christian life; walk decisively towards holiness.

- I came because they have life and have it in abundance, says Jesus. This is true wealth, not material wealth!

- The precious gift that the Holy Spirit brings to our hearts is the profound trust in the love and mercy of God.

Phrases of Pope Francis at work

- The Holy Spirit gives us a new look towards others, always seen as brothers and sisters in Jesus, to be respected and loved.

- We pray for many Christians around the world who still suffer persecution and violence. God give them the courage to be faithful.

- Am I faithful to Christ in daily life? Am I able to "show" my faith, with respect but also with courage?

- It is God who gives life. We respect and love human life, especially defenseless life in the mother's womb.

- We cannot be part-time Christians! We try to live our faith at all times, every day.

- Is our life truly animated by God? How many things do I put before God every day?

- We must learn from Mary; relive his total availability to receive Christ in his life.

- The Holy Spirit transforms and renews, creates harmony and unity, gives courage and joy for the mission.

- Living the Gospel is fighting against selfishness. The gospel is forgiveness and peace; it is the love that comes from God.

- Do I carry the word of reconciliation and love of the Gospel in the environments in which I live and work?

- Miracles are there. But prayer is needed! A courageous, struggling, persevering prayer, not a courtesy prayer.

- We all have some space of disbelief in our hearts. We say to the Lord. I think! Help my unbelief.

- Whenever we follow our selfishness and say no to God, we spoil his love story with us.

- Dear young people, the Church expects a lot from you and your generosity. Don't lose courage and aim high.

- The Church is born from the supreme gesture of love of the cross, from the open side of Jesus.

- The Church is a family in which one loves and is loved.

- The whole history of salvation is the history of God who seeks man: he offers him his love, welcomes him with tenderness.

- In this Year of Faith, we ask the Lord that the Church is increasingly a true family that brings God's love to everyone.

- Worldly logic pushes us towards success, domination, money; God's logic towards humility, service and love.

- Sometimes we know what we have to do, but we don't have the courage. We learn from Mary the ability to decide, entrusting ourselves to God.

- Christ guides us to come out more and more of ourselves, to give us and serve others.

- Guarding creation is an indication of God given not only at the beginning of history, but to each of us; it is part of his project.

- Consumerism has led us to get used to waste. But the food that is thrown away is as if it were stolen from the poor and hungry.

- With the culture of waste, human life is no longer felt as a primary value to be respected and protected.

- We must not be afraid of solidarity, of knowing how to put what we are and what we have at God's disposal.

- How many moral and material poverty today come from the refusal of God and from putting so many idols in his place!

- The Church is always a place of mercy and hope, where everyone can feel welcomed, loved and forgiven.

- Are we mad at someone? Let's pray for that person. This is Christian love.

- A Christian is ready to announce the Gospel because he cannot retain in himself the joy that comes from the knowledge of Christ.

- Christmas is often a noisy party: it will do us good to be a little silent, to hear the voice of Love.

Phrases of Pope Francis on nature

- Christ comes among us at Christmas: it is the right moment for a personal encounter with the Lord.

- Before the Nativity scene, we pray in a special way for those who suffer persecution because of faith.

- In the face of the Child Jesus we contemplate the face of God. Come, let us adore!

- We draw from the nativity scene the joy and deep peace that Jesus comes to bring to the world.

- God is not revealed in the strength or power, but in the weakness and frailty of a newborn baby.

- Baby Jesus reveals the tenderness of the immense love with which God surrounds each of us.

- We leave a free seat at the table: a place for those who lack the necessary, for those left alone.

- We contemplate the humility of the Son of God, born poor. Let's imitate him in sharing with the weakest people.

- Let's stop in front of the Child of Bethlehem. Let God's tenderness warm our hearts.

- No elder should be "exiled" in our families. The elderly are a treasure for society.

- The Lord knocks on the door of our heart. Maybe we put up a small sign saying do not disturb?

- We always say thank you to God, first of all for his patience and mercy.

- Let us pray for peace, and try to build it, starting from home!

- How powerful is prayer! We never lose the courage to say: Lord, give us your peace.

- Wars break many lives. I think especially of the children robbed of their childhood.

- It is not enough to say that you are a Christian, you must live the faith, not only with words but with deeds.

- If we live our faith in everyday life, work also becomes an occasion to transmit the joy of being Christian.

- Like Mary, we keep the light on at Christmas in us, we carry it everywhere, in everyday life.

- We are called to live our Baptism every day, as new creatures, clothed in Christ.

- It is easy to turn to God to ask, we all do it. When will we also learn to thank and worship him?

- Dear young people, do not be satisfied with a mediocre life. Let yourself be fascinated by what is true and beautiful, by God.

- Let us pray for Christian unity. The things that unite us are so many and so precious!

- I can't imagine a Christian who can't smile. Let us try to give a joyful testimony of our faith.

- Nobody saves himself. The community dimension is essential in the Christian life.

- Sometimes we are sad about the weight of our sins. Let us not be discouraged: Christ came to remove all this, He gives us peace.

- It is important to have friends you can trust. But it is essential to trust the Lord, who never disappoints us.

- Dear young people, Jesus gives us life, life in abundance. Close to him, we will have joy in the heart, and a smile on the lips.

- The world makes us look at ourselves, have it, enjoy it. The Gospel invites us to open up to others, to share with the poor.

- What flavor life acquires when you let yourself be flooded by the love of God!

- The Sacraments, especially Confession and the Eucharist, are privileged places of encounter with Christ.

Funny Pope Francis phrases

- Let us pray for all the good and faithful priests who dedicate themselves to their people with generosity and silent sacrifice.

- Today I invite you to pray together with me for His Holiness Benedict XVI, a man of great courage and humility.

- I greet all the sick and suffering people. Christ crucified is near you: cling to him!

- Young people, do not be afraid to get married: united in a faithful and fruitful marriage, you will be happy.

- Dear sick, do not lose hope, even in the hardest moments of suffering. Christ is close to you.

- We learn from Jesus to pray, to forgive, to sow peace, to be close to those in need.

- Lord Jesus, make us capable of loving like you.

- Confirmation is important for a Christian; it gives us the strength to defend the faith and to spread the Gospel with courage.

- We never lose hope! God always loves us, even with our mistakes and sins.

- Our Lady is always close to us, especially when she makes herself feel the weight of life with all its problems.

- All of us baptized are missionary disciples. We are called to become a living Gospel in the world.

- In a family it is normal to take care of those in need. Don't be afraid of fragility!

- The Eucharist is essential for us: it is Christ who wants to enter our life and fill it with his grace.

- We thank all those who teach in Catholic schools. Educating is an act of love, it is like giving life.

- How to live marriage well? United with the Lord, who always renews love and makes it stronger than any difficulty.

- In life we ​​all make many mistakes. We learn to recognize our mistakes and apologize.

- Lent is a time suitable for renunciation. Let's deprive ourselves of something every day to help others.

- We pray for Christians who are victims of persecution, so that they know how to react to evil with good.

- Our deepest joy comes from Christ: being with him, walking with him, being his disciples.

- The challenge of Christian spouses: being together, knowing how to love each other forever, and making love grow.

- Christian love is a love without calculations. This is the lesson of the Good Samaritan, this is the lesson of Jesus.

- We learn to say "Thank you", to God, to others. We teach it to children, but then we forget it!

- Illness and death are not taboos, they are realities that we must face in the presence of Jesus.

- Jesus is our hope, nothing, not even evil nor death can separate us from the saving power of his Love.

- Jesus is never far from us sinners, He wants to pour out on us, without measure, all his mercy.

- We cannot be lukewarm disciples, the Church needs our courage to bear witness to the truth.

- Lent is a time of grace, a time to convert and live in keeping with one's own Baptism.

- We all need to improve, to change for the better. Lent helps us fight against our shortcomings.

- We live in a society that excludes God from the horizon, and this, day by day, narcotises the heart.

- Lent is the time to change course, to react in the face of evil and misery.

"Inspirational Quotes of Pope Francis - ARE YOU LIVING YOUR FAITH?" (April 2024)

Tags: Phrases of Saints