Phrases on contentment: aphorisms, quotes


Quotes and phrases about being satisfied with what you have, aphorisms to be happy and live better, becoming stronger to face every difficulty in life.

Aphorisms on contentment

- Those who are satisfied with the little they need do not draw muddy water and do not lose their lives in the waves.

- Successful people start where the failed ones stop. Don't settle for 'just to get the job done. Excel! (Tom Hopkins)

- Never make a list of the things you miss. Instead, count the good things you have. Think about everything you own or like to do, down to the smallest detail, and then you will see that, after all, life has been good with you. (Amado Nervo)

- Those who live contented with nothing have everything. (Nicolas Boileau)

- If you want to live a hundred years without pain, be satisfied and take the world as it comes.

- The secret of happiness is to be satisfied with what you have. (Albert Willemetz)

- I went on, I survived, I contented myself with what I had without demanding anything from others because it was I myself who did not give myself to others. (Daniela will)

- It was probably the old story of the prince and the princess: I had always waited for mine and she had never arrived like this, at a certain point, one becomes, so to speak, realistic, that is, one ends up being satisfied. (George Wildramp)

- Everyone, if not really happy, at least is not unhappy. And keep going. (Alan Bennet)

- Love the job you learned and be satisfied with it.

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- The ambition to succeed in everything complicates life. Better to settle instead of pretending too much. (Silvia Zoncheddu)

- The ambitious is a slave to the too much he wants: the free man is the one who wants nothing. (Edward Young)

- There is only one remedy to feel good: you have to learn to be satisfied with what you have and not to always expect what is missing at that moment. (Theodor Fontaine)

- Let us not be too demanding: it is better to be satisfied with owning second choice diamonds than not possessing them at all.

- There is never enough to be enough. (Lucio Anneo Seneca)

- The richest man is the one who is content with little, because contentment is the wealth given by nature. (Socrates)

- Avoid what exceeds the size and remember to settle for the little: safer is the ship carried by a moderate current. (Cato The Censor)

Quotes about being satisfied

- Anyone who is satisfied with public truths, lives on private lies.

- Humans largely settle for a job, a roof over their heads, a few hours of rest on Sundays, and so they feel happy; happy to be calm, not to be alive! (Marc Levy)

- Don't settle for a little; he who goes to the sources of life with an empty vase returns with two full ones. (Khalil Gibran)

- Man's true happiness lies in being satisfied. Those who are dissatisfied, however much they possess, become slaves to their desires. (Mahatma Gandhi)

- Man gets tired of the good, looks for the best, finds the bad, and is satisfied with it for fear of the worst. (Arthur Bloch)

- It is when expectations are reduced to zero that we really settle for what we have.

- Happy are those who expect nothing from life, so they will have no disappointments. (Lucy Maud Montgomery)

- The moment you settle for less than you deserve, you get even less than what you are satisfied with. (Maurren Dowd)

- We will never discover anything if we are satisfied with the discoveries already made. (Lucio Anneo Seneca)

- It is so sweet to be loved, that we are content with appearance too.

- Impossible to want more and settle for less. (Ildefonso Falcones)

- Much man desires, yet he needs only a little. (Goethe)

"Anyway, it's fine, as that gentleman observed when they gave him the pension." (Charles Dickens)

- It would be enough for me to be sure that you and I exist at this moment. (Gabriel Garcìa Màrquez)

- If everyone were satisfied with the necessary, and gave the superfluous to the needy, there would be no more the rich or the poor. (Saint Basil the Great)

- I investigate the nature of optimism and hope and that particular level of acceptance that helps to move forward and face each day in the best way.

- In a time in which we are attracted by many semblances of happiness, we risk being content with little, having a small idea of ​​life. Instead, aspire to great things! Widen your hearts! (Pope francesco)

Phrases about being happy

- Let's not be too demanding: it is better to have second choice diamonds than not to possess them at all. (Mark Twain)

- If men are wise people and can be satisfied, old age is also a bearable burden. Otherwise, to such an individual, it is painful ... not only old age but also youth. (Plato)

- We consider independence from needs a great deal not because we always have to be content with little, but to also enjoy this little if we happen to not have much.

- Be happy with what you have; one cannot be first in everything. (Aesop)

- There are two basic choices in life: accepting things as they are or accepting the responsibility to change them. (Denis Waitley)

- It is so sweet to be loved, that we are content with appearance too. (Countess D'Houdetot)

- It is better to have 50% of something than 100% of nothing.

- The secret of contentment is knowing how to enjoy what you have, and being able to lose all desire for things beyond your means. (Yutang Lin)

- Happiness is to desire what one has. (St. Augustine)

- I have very simple tastes; I am always satisfied with the best. (Oscar Wilde)

- Man gets tired of the good, looks for the best, finds the bad, and is satisfied with it for fear of the worst.

- One of the great secrets of happiness is to moderate desires and love what you already have. (Emilie Du Chatelet)

- Those who are satisfied with what little they need do not draw muddy water and do not lose their lives in the waves. (Horace)

- Being satisfied with an "adequate" approach or solution becomes the greatest obstacle to finding a better alternative. (Edward De Bono)

- Let us be satisfied with what we have and never with what we are!

- It is when expectations are reduced to zero that one truly appreciates what one has. (Stephen Hawking)

- I can't imagine how a serious artist can ever be satisfied with his work. (Ezra Pound)

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