Phrases to wish goodnight


Collection of sweet, funny and funny goodnight phrases, aphorisms and romantic quotes to wish a good sleep to say or write to friends, to my love and to all the people we care about.

Sweet goodnight phrases

- I know little about the night, but the night seems to know about me, and moreover it heals me as if it loves me, it covers my conscience with its stars. Maybe night is life and sun is death. Maybe the night is nothing and the conjectures above her nothing and the beings that live it nothing. (Alejandra Pizarnik)

- I send you my pain ... the desire ... and to rock, dear body, your empty night, I send you kisses, kisses, kisses, kisses. (Paul Géraldy)

- Every ray of dawn take your nocturnal dreams, the most beautiful ones ... and lead them to reality. (Tibetan prayer)

- The night is no less wonderful than the day, it is no less divine; at night the stars shine brightly, and there are revelations that the day ignores. (Nikolaj Berdjaev)

- Every night before falling asleep I think of you and whisper goodnight my love, then I look out the window and send you a big kiss that can go to your heart to warm it all night!

- I love the night because at night all the colors are the same and I am the same as the others ... (Bob Marley)

- We will flee rest, we will flee sleep, we will quickly overcome dawn and spring and we will prepare days and seasons for our dreams. (Paul Éluard)

- Now I say goodnight, like every other time. I kiss you and then I wish you goodnight, and then I open the door and then go out into the streets with a full heart and a hungry soul. But I keep coming back, again and again, to kiss you and wish you goodnight and open the door and go out on the street with a hungry soul and a full heart. (Khalil Gibran)

- Hoping that sleep can caress your eyes giving tranquility and peace to your heart I wish you a sweet night.

- I often think that the night is more lively and intensely colored than the day. (Vincent van Gogh)

Recommended readings
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  • Human rights phrases: aphorisms and short quotes
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  • Formal excuses: sentences to apologize

- Good night my love, know that you are my last thought before falling asleep while I hope to dream of you.

- And beyond the night, I hope, the taste of a new blue will await me. (Nazim Hikmet)

Funny goodnight phrases

- Sleep soundly, let your eyelids close on your beautiful eyes, let tranquility enter your dreams and accompany you on this magical night.

- Night, your beloved. Night, when words fade and things come to life. When the destructive analysis of the day is over and what is really important it becomes whole again and resonates. When man mends his fragmented self and grows with the calm of the tree. (Antoine de Saint-Exupery)

- Goodnight light of my eyes, sleep well but not for a long time ... you know I can't be without you!

- One by one the nights, between our separate cities, add to the night that unites us. (Pablo Neruda)

- Today I finally understood that we are all different: there are those who have beauty, those who have talent, those who have money, and then there are, I who am sleepy. Good night.
(Charlie Brown)

- Goodnight to you who invade my thoughts, close your eyes tonight and listen to the silence, and if you feel a gust of wind in your hair do not wake up, it is I who embrace you with the thought. (Ejay Ivan Lac)

- Goodnight my love on this dark night without you where the stars are missing to illuminate it when you sleep next to me.

- The more I close my eyes, the better they see, because they look at things worthy of note all day long; but when I sleep, they see you in dreams. (William Shakespeare)

- It is not a smart thing to stay in bed at night to ask yourself questions that you cannot answer. (Charlie Brown)

- It is at night that it is nice to believe in the light. (Edmond Rostand)

- In the silence of the night I hear your name ringing in my mind and heart like a sweet lullaby.

- There is no night so long as not to allow the sun to rise again the next day. (Jim Morrison)

Nice goodnight phrases

- It is evening, and it is time for the flowers to close their corollas. Let me sit by your side and command my lips to do what can be done in silence in the faint light of the stars. (Rabindranath Tagore)

- Goodnight, goodnight! Separating is such a sweet pain, which I will say goodnight until it is morning. (William Shakespeare)

- On this night we are physically far away, but sweet thoughts bring us closer by making us understand that our hearts are close.

- Those who dream by day know many things that escape those who dream only at night. (Edgar Allan Poe)

- Your love is for me like the morning and evening stars, it sets after the sun and rises again before the sun. (Goethe)

- People who love each other can be separated from the circumstances of life but, even if only in a dream, the night belongs to them. (Patti Smith)

- Good night ... I would like to use your lips as cushions and then wake up with your breath close to my heart.

- Success is being able to go to bed with your soul in peace every evening. (Paulo Coelho)

- Never be afraid of the shadow. It means that nearby, somewhere, there is a light that illuminates. (Ruth E. Renkel)

- The eye sees things more clearly in dreams than it can see in waking. (Leonardo da Vinci)

- Before turning off the light tonight give me a smile thinking about it, it will be my sweet goodnight kiss.

- There is no night without stars. (Andre Norton)

Goodnight phrases friends

- I know that the night is not like the day: that all things are different, that the things of the night cannot be explained in the day because then they do not exist.
(Ernest Hemingway)

- I leaned over to kiss her goodnight, but suddenly the kiss went wild, a fire, a hurricane. I couldn't stop. (Yves Montand)

- When the lights go out in the evening ... you keep your heart on! Good night! (Stephen Littleword)

- I would like to enter your dreams, erase your fears, and, leaving you leave us a ray of light stolen from the stars, and the warmth of my heart for a sweet awakening ... Good night Angel of my heart.

- And I like listening to the stars at night. They are like five hundred million rattles. (Antoine De Saint Exupèry)

- Our dreams are fireflies that secretly come out at night and, when they meet, they tell each other truth in a low voice ... (Anna Biason)

- We will flee rest, we will flee sleep, we will quickly overcome dawn and spring and we will prepare days and seasons for our dreams. (Paul Eluard)

- Night love ... you know what? Every day that passes I understand how important you are to me and how bad I am without seeing you ... you are my sun, even at night ... I love you too much.

- Love has no other desire than to fulfill itself, to liquefy and be like a stream that flows and sings its melody in the night. Waking up at dawn with a winged heart and giving thanks for another day of love. (Khalil Gibran)

- My soul, close your eyes slowly and as it sinks into the water immerse yourself in sleep naked and dressed in white, the most beautiful of dreams will welcome you. (Nazim Hikmet)

- We are also made of the matter of which dreams are made; and in the space and time of a dream our short life is enclosed. (William Shakespeare)

- There is no softer pillow than a quiet conscience. (Ken Blanchard)

Goodnight phrases my love

- The moon and the stars were created to watch over and make your sleep more pleasant, my darling. Sweet night love!

- Good night, good night! Separation is such a sweet pain, which I will say good night until it is morning. (William Shakespeare)

- Dreams are illustrations from the book that your soul is writing about you. (Alan Drew)

- I would say that in my own way I can go to sleep. You think about me. Call me disaster if you like. I am on this side of the silence calling you love. (Andrew Faber)

- Millions of stars shine in the sky, but a single star gives off a unique light, and that is you love! never stop shining. Sweet dreams my love!

- The more I close my eyes, the better they see, because they look at things worthy of note all day long; but when I sleep, they see you in dreams. (William Shakespeare)

- Make your life a dream, and a dream, a reality. (Antoine de Saint-Exupery)

- Good night to you who invade my thoughts, close your eyes tonight and listen to the silence, and if you feel a gust of wind in your hair do not wake up, it is I who embrace you with the thought. (Ejay Ivan Lac)

- Never say that dreams are useless, because the life of someone who cannot dream is useless. (Jim Morrison)

- When you look at the sky at night, since I will live in one of them, since I will laugh in one of them, then it will be for you as if all the stars laughed. (Antoine De Saint Exupery)

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Tags: Beautiful phrases