Plants and animals: organisms and species living in nature


The species of plants and animals include a very wide variety of very interesting specimens present in different environmental conditions.

Kingdom of plants

In botany, three hundred and sixty thousand plants are considered to belong to the kingdom of living, divided among trees, bushes, shrubs, creepers, ferns, mosses and lichens.

Plants with photosynthesis produce oxygen, act in part as a filter in areas where the air is polluted, hold the earth together in hilly and mountainous areas avoiding the risk of landslides.

Animal kingdom

The animal kingdom includes 1.5 million living species.

The most representative group is that of the Arthropods with a total of one million species including 750,000 belonging to the category of Insects.

The dog is an omnivorous mammal that has a remarkable agility and versatility and often represents a faithful companion for man so much that there are over seventy million families in the world who own a dog.

Living Things Change: Crash Course Kids #41.1 (April 2024)

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