Proverbs love: maxims and famous sayings


Maximum love, love proverbs and famous sayings as an expression and enhancement of this special feeling between two or more people.

Say love

- Loving does not mean taking possession of another to enrich oneself, but rather giving oneself to another to enrich him. (M. Quoist)

- Love is discovered only by loving. (P. Coelho)

- You can only love when you are happy inside yourself. Love cannot be added from the outside. It is not a garment you can wear. (Osho)

- Two silent lovers resemble two harps with the same tuning fork and ready to confuse the voices in a divine harmony. (A. Karr)

- Immature love says: "I love you because I need you." Mature love says: "I need you because I love you". (E. Fromm)

- Love is a one-way street: it starts from you and goes towards others. If you think you are holding something or someone for yourself, even for a moment, love dies between your fingers. (M. Quoist)

- Love looks not with the eyes but with the soul. (W. Shakespeare)

- Whatever destroys freedom is not love. It must be something else, because love and freedom go hand in hand, they are two wings of the same seagull. (Osho)

- Feelings must always be free. A future love should not be judged by past suffering. (P. Coelho)

- Being deeply loved by someone makes us strong, loving deeply makes us courageous. (L. Tze)

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- When love makes the other feel respected, not humiliated, not destroyed but sustained, when love makes us feel nourished, free, then it descends to greater depths. (Osho)

Maximum love

- The mystery of love is greater than the mystery of death. (O. Wilde)

- True love is the journey in two towards the light of a common ideal. (J. d’Hormoy)

- Love is the element in which we live. Without it we barely grow. (L. Byron)

- Love is desire become wisdom, love does not want to possess anything, it only wants to love. (H. Hesse)

- When love calls you, follow it, even if its ways are difficult and steep. (K. Gibran)

- Love is not a ready-made dress, but a fabric to cut, prepare and sew. It is not a "turnkey" apartment, but a house to be conceived, built, conserved and often repaired. (M. Quoist)

- Love never sets. (S. Paolo)

- Love one another, but do not make it a love prison. (K. Gibran)

- Love is not that love that changes when it finds a change. (W. Shakespeare)

- Love is the guide and the way. (P. Coelho)

- Loving does not mean looking at each other, but looking together towards the same goal. (A. De Saint-Exupéry)

Proverbs love

- To love is to give one's whole self without asking for anything, to love is to never say "you owe me ...". (A. De Saint-Exupéry)

- Very little loves the one who can express in words how much you love. (Dante)

- The heart has its reasons which reason does not know. (B. Pascal)

- Love is always new. It doesn't matter that we love once, twice, ten times in our lives: we are always faced with a situation that we don't know. (P. Coelho)

- Love is every movement of our soul in which it feels itself and perceives its life. (H. Hesse)

- Love must not implore or demand, love must have the strength to become certainty within itself. (H. Hesse)

- Love is not seen in a place and is not sought with the eyes of the body. His words are not heard and when he comes to you his steps are not heard. (St. Augustine)

- Those who live of love live forever. (E. Verhaeren)

- It is preferable to have loved and lost love, to not having loved at all. (L. Tennyson)

- Anyone who wants to learn love always remains a schoolboy. (T. Bernhard)

- When you love, there is nothing better than to always give, everything, your life, your thought, your body, everything you have; to feel what is given, to put everything at stake and to be able to give more and more. (G. de Maupassant)

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