Psalm 118: complete, commentary


CommentPsalm 118 is one of those composed for recitation in alternate choirs with a soloist. It celebrates victory against many opponents and its drafting dates back, most likely, to the time of Judah Maccabeus, after the victory against Nicanore and the purification of the temple in Jerusalem. The psalm opens by inviting to praise the eternal mercy of God, continues with the exhortation to take refuge in the Lord and ends with a new invitation to celebrate the merciful goodness of God.

Psalm 118 complete

[1] Alleluia. Celebrate the Lord, because he is good; because his mercy is eternal.

[2] Israel should say that he is good: his mercy is eternal.

[3] Let the house of Aaron say it: his mercy is eternal.

[4] Let those who fear God say it: his mercy is eternal.

[5] In anguish I cried to the Lord, the Lord replied, and he rescued me.

[6] The Lord is with me, I am not afraid; what can man do to me?

[7] The Lord is with me, he is my help, I will challenge my enemies.

[8] It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in man.

[9] It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in the powerful.

[10] All the peoples surrounded me, but in the name of the Lord I defeated them.

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[11] They surrounded me, surrounded me, but in the name of the Lord I defeated them.

[12] They surrounded me like bees, like fire blazing among thorns, but in the name of the Lord I defeated them.

[13] They pushed me hard to make me fall, but the Lord was my help.

[14] My strength and my song is the Lord, he has been my salvation.

[15] Shouts of joy and victory, in the tents of the righteous: the Lord's right hand has done wonders,

[16] the right hand of the Lord has risen up, the right hand of the Lord has done wonders.

[17] I will not die, I will stay alive and announce the works of the Lord.

[18] The Lord tried hard on me, but did not turn me over to death.

[19] Open the doors of justice for me: I want to enter and give thanks to the Lord.

[20] This is the gate of the Lord, the righteous enter it.

[21] I thank you, because you have fulfilled me, because you have been my salvation.

[22] The stone rejected by the builders has become the corner head;

[23] here is the work of the Lord: a marvel in our eyes.

[24] This is the day made by the Lord: let us rejoice and rejoice in it.

[25] Give, Lord, your salvation, give, Lord, victory!

[26] Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. We bless you from the house of the Lord;

[27] God, the Lord is our light. Order the procession with leafy branches to the sides of the altar.

[28] You are my God and I give you thanks, you are my God and I exalt you.

[29] Celebrate the Lord, because he is good: because his mercy is eternal.

Jeremy Marrone - Psalm 118 - A Psalm of David (2018) (April 2024)

Tags: Biblical psalms