Raspberry ice cream with ice cream maker


How to make a delicious raspberry ice cream with ice cream maker, recipe with sugar, lemon and fresh cream, ready in 20/30 minutes, to be kept in the freezer.

Ingredients for 8 people

- 2,5 dl of fresh cream

- 400 g of raspberries

- half a lemon

- 150/180 g of sugar

Raspberry ice cream preparation with ice cream maker

Rinse the raspberries quickly under running water and blend them with the lemon juice and sugar.

Transfer the raspberry cream to a bowl and gently add the lightly whipped cream.

Pour the mixture into the ice cream maker for about 20/30 minutes

Place the ice cream in an airtight container and store it in the freezer.

Raspberry Ripple Ice Cream ( No Ice Cream Machine) (May 2024)

Tags: Desserts