Saint Paul's phrases: quotes, aphorisms of the apostle


Quotes and phrases of Saint Paul, famous aphorisms of the apostle Saul of Tarsus on love, proverbs baptism and death, quotes from the writings and thoughts of Saint Paul on women and on the cross.

Quotes of Saint Paul

- It is time to wake up, because our salvation is now closer than when we began to believe.

- The night is over, the day is near! We throw away the works of darkness and take the weapons of light.

- Welcome those who are weak in faith, without criticizing their opinions.

In fact, none of us live for themselves or die for themselves.

- Because if we live, we live for the Lord, and if we die, we die for the Lord. And so, whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord.

- Each of us will then have to give an account of himself to God. Let's stop judging each other.

- We who are strong in faith have the duty not to think only of ourselves, but to take sincerely to heart the scruples of those who are weak in faith.

- Men, with all their knowledge, have not been able to know God and his Wisdom.

- God has chosen what men consider ignorant, to cover the wise with shame; he has chosen those whom men consider weak, to destroy those who believe themselves strong.

- God has chosen those who, in the world, do not matter and are despised or considered as if they did not exist, to destroy those who think they are worth something.

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Aphorisms of Saint Paul

- What in fact makes you think you are superior to another? If you have something, isn't it God who gave it to you? And if it is God who gave it to you because you boast of it as if it were you who conquered it?

- If I speak the languages ​​of men and also those of angels, but I have no love, I am a metal that echoes, an instrument that sounds empty.

- If I have the gift of being a prophet and of knowing all the mysteries, if I have all the science and also a faith to move the mountains, but I have no love, I am nothing.

- If I give all my possessions to the poor, if I offer my body to the flames, but I have no love, it is of no use to me.

- Those who love are patient and generous.

- Whoever loves is not envious, does not boast, does not swell with pride.

- He who loves is respectful, does not seek his own interest, does not give in to anger, forgets the wrongs.

- Those who love do not enjoy injustice, the truth is their joy.

- Anyone who loves everything excuses, trusts everyone, endures everything, never loses hope.

- Love never sets: the gift of languages ​​will cease, the prophecy will pass, the gift of science will end.

Phrases of Saint Paul

- Science is imperfect, prophecy is limited, but what is perfect will come and they will vanish.

- When I was a child I spoke as a child, as a child I thought and reasoned. Ever since I was a man, I stopped acting like this.

- Now our vision is confused, as in an ancient mirror; but one day we will be face to face before God. Now I know him only in part, but one day I will know him as he knows me.

So here are the three things that count: faith, hope, love. But greatest of all is love.

- Don't be fooled; the suggestions of bad companies ruin those who behave well.

- The sadness that is part of God's plans makes life change radically and leads to salvation; instead the sadness that comes from the worries of this world leads to death.

- God gives you everything abundantly for you to be generous.

- Anyone who lives in selfishness collects death. Whoever lives in the Spirit of God gathers eternal life.

- Help yourself to bear one another's burdens, and thus obey the law of Christ.

- No bad word should ever come out of your mouth; rather, when necessary say good words, which are good for the listener.

- It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me.

TOP 20 Paul the Apostle Quotes (April 2024)

Tags: Phrases of Saints