Short romantic phrases: aphorisms, quotes


Famous aphorisms and short romantic phrases to dedicate, sweet thoughts for her and kind quotes for him to write or send by sms or email.

Romantic quotes

- They really love, those who tremble to say they love (Ph. Sidney).

- Beautiful is the love that is granted of its own will. (W. Shakespeare).

- Love remember that your smile is my smile, your tear is my tear and every beat of my heart I dedicate it to you because I love you with all the love that a star has for his sky.

- Whatever our souls are made of, mine and yours are made of the same thing. (Emily Bronte)

- You know how it works ... You know how God works! Do you think he gives you another gift like this just because you're on his staff !? (from the film "Temptations of love" by Edward Norton)

- You are alone with everything you love (Novalis).

- What is done out of love is always beyond good and evil. (Friedrich Nietzsche)

- I hear your voice vibrating in all the sounds of the world. (Paul Éluard)

- Every time you look at me I am born in your eyes. (Jorge Riechmann)

- Doubts that the stars are fire, doubts that the sun moves, doubts that the truth is a lie, but never doubt my love. (William Shakespeare)

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- Love gives nothing but itself and does not grasp anything except itself. Love does not possess, nor would it like to be possessed, since love is enough for love. (Khalil Gibran)

- If you don't remember what love has ever made you commit the smallest madness, then you have not loved. (William Shakespeare)

- I'd like to give you everything you've never had, and even so you wouldn't know how wonderful it is to love you. (Frida Kahlo)

- The happiness I felt while sitting next to me was unprecedented. As much as my family's love and companionship amused me, despite the various amusements and distractions the world had to offer, I had never been so happy. Even knowing that it was wrong, that it couldn't end well, I couldn't keep a smile from my face for long. (from the film "Midnight Sun" by Stephenie Meyer)

- The voice of your eyes is deeper than all the roses. (E.E. Cummings)

- In a kiss, you will know all that has been kept silent. (Pablo Neruda)

- The most beautiful light for me was that of the sun reflected on the sea, but since I saw your eyes I have changed my mind, because you are the most beautiful light of my life.

- I don't love you anymore, but I always love you. I don't want to know you anymore, but I can't do without you. (George Sand)

- In life true love can be missed if you meet it too early or too late. In another era, in another place, our life would have been different. (from Wong Kar-Wai's "2046" movie)

- Give me your hand ... See? Now everything weighs half ... (Leo Delibes)

Famous romantic phrases

- In the beautiful May, when all the gems exploded, just then love broke out in my heart. (H. Heine).

- In love, those who burn do not dare and those who burn do not burn. (Niccolò Tommaseo).

- I would like to stare at your eyes for hours and see only love and when you look at my eyes shining with tears you will understand the reason for so much emotion.

- If I know what love is, it's thanks to you. (Herman Hesse)

- I love you terribly. If a flower bloomed every time I think of you, every desert would be full of it. (Khalil Gibran)

- Close your eyes and look at me. (Giada Mondini).

- I would like you to bring a word of mine, a phrase of mine, a kiss of mine always with you in a corner of your heart to explain one day to our children what love is.

- I love you more than my own skin. (Frida Kahlo)

- I love you with a love that is more than love. (Edgar Allan Poe)

- We are never as defenseless as when we love. (Sigmund Freud)

- Hold me tight and warm me. Talk to me slowly and surprise me. I always think about it but you are no longer here. You are not here. (from Cameron Crowe's "Vanilla Sky" movie)

- To love with your eyes closed means to love like a blind man. To love with open eyes perhaps means to love like a madman: to accept completely. I love you like crazy. (Marguerite Yourcenar)

- Your glance, your only word, tells me more than all the wisdom of this world. (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)

- Memories are always wet with tears. (from Wong Kar-Wai's "2046" movie)

- You look at the stars, my star, and I would like to be heaven to look at you with a thousand eyes. (Plato)

- There is only one happiness in life: to love and be loved. (George Sand)

- Do you not notice Devil, that you are as beautiful as an Angel? (Giacomo Leopardi).

- It wasn't my lips you kissed; but my soul. (Judy Garland)

Romantic phrases to dedicate

- I love you and for me you are now the most important person, you are the one who supports me in the difficult path of life, I would like to follow it all together with you this path.

- If you love a person, let her go, because if she comes back, she has always been yours. And if it doesn't come back, it never has been. (Khalil Gibran)

- The task of a mother is not to be loved, but to want the good of the child. (from the movie "Tutti pazzi per amore" by Riccardo Milani)

- What is done out of love is always beyond good and evil. (F. Nietzsche).

- I love you without knowing how, when, or where. I love you simply, without problems or pride. (Pablo Neruda)

- The duration of our passions does not depend on us, just as the duration of life does not depend on us. (F. de La Rochefoucauld).

- There is no worse nostalgia than regretting what has never happened. (J. Sabina).

- To love is not to look at each other, but to look together in the same direction. (Antoine de Saint-Exupery)

- Every moment, every moment, every minute is an eternity if I imagine the moment when I can sink my gaze into the intensity of your eyes.

- Would he ever stop moving me, the fact that I was the only one she agreed to? I doubted it. I walked around the car like lightning, excited to reach it. He showed no sign of shock at my sudden reappearance. (from the film "Midnight Sun" by Stephenie Meyer)

- Everything, everything I know, I only know because I love. (Lev Tolstoj)

- Wherever you are, it's my home, my only home. (Charlotte Bronte)

- Love, love madly, love as much as you can and if they tell you that it is a sin, love your sin and you will be innocent. (William Shakespeare)

- We were together, the rest of the time I forgot it. (Walt Whitman)

- I can't tell you if I loved you from the first moment I saw you, or if it was the second, third or fourth time. But I remember the first moment I watched you come towards me and I realized that the rest of the world seemed to disappear when I was with you. (Cassandra Claire)

- This whole love still so alive all sunny is yours is mine. (Prevert).

- You don't know but there is someone who just opens his eyes in the morning already has you in his thoughts and you stay there until the evening until his eyes close again. (Goethe)

- Sweet, red, gorgeous mouth kissing. (A. C. Swindburne).

- I love you for all that you are, all that you have been, all that you still have to be. (Ernest Hemingway)

- She said I love you and I said I love you. She always said and I always said. (Victor Hugo)

Considerations on romantic phrases

Romantic phrases can be divided into various categories including romantic love phrases, to feed and demonstrate love for a person, short or short romantic phrases to express a very deep feeling in a few words, famous romantic phrases taken from films sometimes a little sad but with a moving effect.

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Tags: Beautiful phrases