Text translations: how to translate automatically


Free text translations with online automatic systems, from English to Italian and other languages ​​and vice versa.

Definition of translations of texts

Translation is an activity aimed at translating a text into a different language by obtaining a new text that exactly reflects the original content.

Hence the fundamental importance of the translator who must be able to keep the meaning of the words and the style used to write as unaltered as possible, adapting and correctly interpreting the content where literal translation alone is not enough.

In some cases, for some languages ​​in particular, when it is difficult to keep intact the meaning of the sentences and the style used by the author, depending on the purposes that the translation must pursue, it is preferable to leave the original text intact or to refer as an official reference to the original text.

Think of certain idioms typical of each language, texts of regulations, laws or contracts for which it is not possible to find exactly equivalent idioms.

In some cases, for example in inter-regional events in which people speaking different languages ​​are called to participate, in order to follow the speech of speakers who are holding a conference in their native language it is necessary to resort to immediate simultaneous translation in various languages ​​to allow all present to understand, throughout the course of the work, the topics covered.

A translation, whether written or simultaneous, is normally made by a human operator for the best interpretation of the translated text.

However, in recent years, information technology has made significant progress in this area which, through the use of increasingly sophisticated software programs, allows immediate automatic translations to be made.

Automatic translations, although they have evolved a lot in recent years, are generally very rough and for this reason they are suitable only in cases where an immediate understanding of a website or any text in a language other than one's own is needed, but not they are recommended when a professional translation is needed which is able to convey the precise meaning of the original text, an operation that only a human translator can do with precision, at least for now.

On the internet you can find free automatic services for text and website translations, song translations, English translations, Russian translations, German translations, French translations, Spanish translations and professional paid translations.

In the field of translations, technology has made great strides and automatic or semi-automatic translation systems have been spreading through software.

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In the case of automatic translation, the original text is served directly translated in a manner that is sometimes acceptable, at other times containing sentences without meaning or at the limit of ridicule.

The semi-automatic translation is the most used as a preventive and rapid automatic translation is made to which changes can be made to adapt it to the original meaning of the translated sentence.

- Automatic translation of texts and web pages to automatically translate texts and web pages to and from each language.

- Online translations in any combination of English, French, Japanese, Spanish, German, Russian, Chinese, Italian, Korean, Portuguese and many others.

- Babelfish is another useful free online text translation tool.

Translate Any Language Instantly Using Your iPhone's Keyboard [How-To] (April 2024)

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