What does lol mean: an acronym widely used on the internet


Definition of the abbreviated word Lol, widely used in the language of the web but not only, a three-letter abbreviation capable of communicating a precise mood.

Meaning of lol in english

LOL is an acronym used as an abbreviation especially in text messages, emails, chats or forums to communicate that a certain thing makes you laugh.

It is the abbreviation of the English phrase laughing out loud, which translated literally means laughing out loud, a lot of laughter or laughing out loud.

The term Lol is used in written and spoken language especially by young people under 30 who intend to indicate something that makes you laugh enough but not in an exaggerated way.

Many people use the term Lol to express their mood, normally after reading a news or comment on a post considered funny.

Others instead point out an elementary laugh with Lol, replacing the classic Ahah.

The word Lol has evolved over time, taking on different meanings such as, for example, Lots of Love to say a lot of love, very loll, an Italian derivation that means very funny.

A synonym of Lol is Rotfl which, from the English phrase Rolling on the floor laughing, means rolling on the ground with laughter.

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