Why hiccups come, causes and how to get through


Reasons why hiccups come, causes that generate it and make it persistent, natural remedies to do to pass this annoying inconvenience when it occurs, how to prevent it.

Causes of hiccups

At the root of the hiccup there is a spasm of the diaphragm, a muscle that involuntarily contracts out of the norm, generating the annoying noise that is repeated frequently until you can get through, very embarrassing situation, especially if you are in public.

The sound, commonly called "hic", originated from the glottis, when the diaphragm contracts.

Experts attribute the causes of hiccups to a bad swallowing of liquids or a strong temperature range.

In addition to this, other factors that favor hiccups are smoking, spicy foods, particularly rich meals, loud laughter or other emotions.

How to get past hiccups

To remove the hiccups, you can rely on very effective ancient remedies.

- Holding the breath for at least 15-20 seconds causes a distraction in the brain, consequently causing muscle relaxation of the diaphragm.

- Drink some small sips of water while holding your breath.

- Cover your ears for 20 seconds to confuse the vagus nerve to stop hiccups.

- Try to inflate a balloon to increase the amount of carbon dioxide in the blood, so as to distract the brain from the vagus nerve.

- With a cotton swab you can try to tickle the palate under the tongue.

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- Make a chamomile or other relaxing herbal tea to be sipped slowly to encourage a faster return to the normal diaphragm.

How to prevent hiccups

To reduce the possibility of hiccups occurring, some precautions should be taken.

- Do not abuse alcoholic beverages in order not to provoke irritation of the digestive system and mucous membranes.

- Avoid eating or drinking with too much haste, as incorrect chewing of foods promotes the absorption of too much air which could cause a vagus nerve decompensation.

- Do not consume spicy meals as they can be responsible for an abnormal inflammation of the gastric mucosa.

Hiccups | How To Get Rid Of Hiccups (2018) (May 2024)

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