Zite Roman-style pasta with cooked ham


How to cook zite Roman style pasta, with fresh pork rinds, cauliflower, cooked ham, oil, onion, garlic, grated pecorino cheese, salt and pepper.

Ingredients for 4 people

- 200 g of broken zite

- 1 cauliflower of about 1 kg

- 50 g of fresh pork rinds

- 100 g of fat and lean cooked ham cut into thin strips

- 1 small onion, chopped

- 1 crushed clove of garlic

- 4 full spoons of grated pecorino cheese

- 2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil

- salt and pepper

How to prepare zite pasta

Scrape the rinds, remove the bristles by burning them, then clean them with a damp cloth.

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  • Zite Roman-style pasta with cooked ham

Cut them into strips, put them in a pan covered with water and boil them for an hour or more, until they become soft.

In a saucepan, boil the water, salt it.

In the meantime, clean the cauliflower, detach all the florets, wash them and dip them in water for five minutes on an uncovered pan and on high heat.

Drain the florets with the slotted spoon and keep them aside.

In a pan, possibly in terracotta, put the oil and fry the onion and garlic, after five minutes add the ham, let it flavor for five minutes and then add the rinds with a liter of their degreased cooking liquid.

Bring to a boil, dip the pasta and season with salt.

When the zite are cooked al dente, add the cauliflower tops, boil again for a minute and they are ready.

Serve on the table accompanied by grated pecorino cheese separately.


Tags: Meat first courses