African proverbs: sayings and idioms


Collection of African proverbs, sayings and popular sayings in Africa translated into Italian, as testimony to the wisdom of the various peoples present in this varied continent.

African idioms

- The woman God has destined you is better than the one chosen by the eye.

- Ambiguous as the bat, half animal and half bird.

- The path through the forest is long only if you don't love the person who visits you.

- Where the traces of a cat are seen, those of the mouse are not seen.

- If you want to be despised, get married; if you want to be appreciated, die.

- A prudent and prudent visitor opens his eyes, but not his mouth.

- When you see the moon surrounded by a halo, there is a king who travels somewhere in that light.

- Whoever has no fence around his land has no enemies.

- The beautiful girl is not without flaws.

- Don't get rid of the oars until the pirogue is on the shore.

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- Life is a palm branch bent by the winds.

- If someone gives you the white part of the chicken, don't ask for the paw too.

- It is not the hand that gives, but the heart.

- The carp dies where its eggs are found.

- There is no need to show the elephant with your finger.

- Knowing how to swim and ride a horse is good, but knowing yourself is better.

- When elephants fight it is the grass that suffers.

- Two fingers are not introduced into a nostril.

- The leopard does not sleep on a dry branch.

- Children are the moon that shines.

- As long as you are fooled, it means that you are alive; when you cry, it means you're dead.

- The enemy of man is his language.

- Lying gives flowers but no fruit.

- Whoever thinks about what people say does not fill their plates.

- We will judge you by following the color of your tracks.

- The calm sea does not make the sailor good.

- The sun and moon are the best lamps.

- Each stream has its source.

- The owl has had ugly eyes since it was in the egg.

- If the knife is well sharpened, you must walk carefully.

- The wealth above the daughter's head does not satisfy anyone: it only satisfies what you find with your hand.

- On the bank of hippos there is neither pirogue, nor oar.

- Those who do not travel do not know the value of men.

- Anyone who does not know one thing knows another.

- It is better to help someone who struggles, and not to starve, because you don't find gratitude in this.

- The sun crosses the boundaries of time and there no evil man's arrow can reach it.

- If you wait for tomorrow, tomorrow will come; if you don't wait for tomorrow, tomorrow will come.

- Confiding a secret to an unworthy person is like having a laundry bag of wheat in your hands.

- The hen does not sing in front of the rooster.

African sayings

- Even if nobody loves you, you will always find someone willing to cut your hair.

- The path through the forest is long only if you do not love the person you are visiting.

- Shaking the head does not deprive the donkey of the ears.

- When the heart is full of anger, it comes out of the mouth.

- A wise man never knows everything, only stupid people know everything.

- The oasis is made for the body, the desert for the soul.

- In the womb of the mother the baby lacks nothing.

- The sun and moon are the best lamps.

- To love those who do not love you is to love the rain that falls in the forest.

- Who has not suffered, cannot share the sufferings of others.

- Those who go up in the same pirogue, have the same aspirations.

- If you refuse to be straightened when you are green, you will not be straightened when you are dry.

- The remedy for cold is fire; the remedy for sadness is goodness.

- Those who live near water can swim.

- It is never night where people love each other.

- The young man walks faster than the elderly, but the elderly knows the way.

- The dog does not forget the owner.

- You can't avoid suffering, only death can free you.

- Whoever comes first to the source drinks the purest water.

- The works of women are as numerous as the stars in the sky.

- If you can rejoice in the joys of others, you are the most worthy inhabitant of the village.

- Even an elephant needs only one day to die.

- Whoever hits the skin, wounds the flesh.

- The water of the river always flows downwards.

- If you want to keep a secret, entrust it to the passing wind, but not to a woman.

- Even the lion must defend himself against flies.

- Where everything is burned the fire never comes back.

- He who always runs will know fewer and fewer things than he who remains calm and reflects.

- The river wanted to do its own thing and got lost.

- Get going even if you don't like the hour. When you arrive, the hour will still be appreciated.

- When an old man dies, a library is burned.

- If you want to get there first, run alone. If you want to go far, walk together.

- A man is generated, not his heart.

- Kiss the hand you can't cut.

- Only when the lions start writing the story will the hunters stop being heroes.

- What is not done to a demijohn is not done to a water bottle.

- The hyena does not sleep with sheep.

- When one has eaten salty, one can no longer eat without salt.

- A beautiful body can hide a bad heart.

African proverbs

- Even if the elephant has lost weight, he will not dare cross a lianas bridge.

- Why are a lazy man's nails long? To scratch the belly when hungry.

- The individual dies, the family continues.

- The family matures with dialogue.

- You can distance what runs behind you but not what runs inside you.

- A hen on the ground does not sleep hungry.

- The human heart is not a lot where anyone can put their hand.

- Friendship is a road that disappears in the sand if it is never repeated.

- Hold on to a real friend with both hands.

- The ant cannot cross a stream without a bridge.

- Fish is strong only in water.

- Wise men speak simple words.

- The stranger is like a brother you have never met.

- Anyone who wants coal can stand the smoke.

- The miser mice are fatter than he is.

- A dog does not trip twice against the same stone.

- Whoever walks on the dunghill will have to wash their feet.

- The sorcerer dies, but his medicines retain their strength.

- The past lives again every day because it has never passed.

- The human heart is not a lot where anyone can put their hand.

- The butterfly does not count the years, but the moments: this is why its short time is enough for it.

- The squirrel is small, but is not a slave to the elephant.

- One ring on the arm makes no noise.

- Time is like a bird; if you don't take it, fly away.

- Beautiful words are like flowers, beautiful actions like fruits.

- The dog's dreams remain within him.

- The day does not come back.

- To raise a child requires an entire village.

- Soul storms are worse than sandstorms.

- Only the owner can recover the bone from the dog's throat.

- Youth does not leave you empty-handed.

- The opinion of the intelligent is better than the certainty of the ignorant.

- The stranger has big eyes, but does not see what is happening in the village.

- The eye does not eat orange, but knows that it is sweet.

- Mushrooms do not grow under the tree that is not rotten.

- The moon shows the path, but not the dangers of the road.

- In the dark, all cats are leopards.

- Whoever watches two termite mounds returns empty-handed.

- The only benefit of flattery is that, by feeling what we are not, we can educate ourselves on what we should be.

- Unattended bananas belong to everyone.

✔ Top African Proverbs & Sayings (April 2024)

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