April 10: saint of the day, name day


The Saint of the day April 10 is Saint Ezekiel, which name day is celebrated and other saints who are celebrated on this date.

Saint Ezekiel

Born around 620 BC, in the period of the end of the reign of Judah, Ezekiel led his life as a prophet, despite coming from a family of priests.

Deported to Babylon in 597 BC, he resided in Tel Aviv, in a village located on the Chebar River.

After five years, he had the vocation to become a prophet, to encourage both the Jews who were in exile and those who were still in Jerusalem.

We do not know the date of his death, we only know that he was still alive 22 years after his prophetic call.

Having remained unheard at the beginning of his mission, once Jerusalem fell, the people instead began to take his words seriously, as he had finally understood how true his prophecies were.

Thus it was that his preaching, from that moment on, concentrated on the reconstruction of the Holy City.

From the book of the prophet Ezekiel, in the Old Testament of the Holy Bible, it is understood that he received very articulate prophecies and that he was even able to see the facts that happened in Jerusalem, despite being at a distance of about 2,000 km.

He saw the image of himself as that of a shepherd in charge of watching over his flock, guiding him on the right path.

He considered himself a forerunner of the Messiah, presenting himself as a guardian of the people with the task of announcing the imminent judgment of God.

By making accusations against the Israelites because of their sins, he at the same time urged them to convert.

Recommended readings
  • April 25: saint of the day, name day
  • April 30: saint of the day, name day
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  • April 6: saint of the day, name day
  • April 23: saint of the day, name day

Other saints and celebrations on April 10

  • Blessed Antonio Neyrot from Rivoli
  • Dominican priest, martyr

  • Sant ’Antonio Vallesio
  • Mercedary, martyr

  • Sant'Apollonio
  • Martyr

  • San Beda the Younger
  • Monk

  • Blessed Boniface (Bonifacy Piotr) Zukowski
  • Priest and martyr

  • Saint Fulbert of Chartres
  • Bishop

  • San Macario of Armenia
  • Pilgrim

  • Santa Maddalena di Canossa
  • Virgin

  • Saint Michael of Saints (Miguel de los Santos)
  • San Palladio of Auxerre
  • Bishop

    Earthquake News Report - SNL (April 2024)

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