April 11: saint of the day, name day


The Saint of the day April 11 is Santa Gemma Galgani, which name day is celebrated and other saints who are celebrated on this date.

Santa Gemma Galgani

Born in Camigliano in the municipality of Capannori in the province of Lucca on March 12, 1878 and died in Lucca on April 11, 1903, Gemma Galgani was a mystic very close and consistent with the spirituality of the order of the Passionists, of which however she never belonged.

Died only 25, she was beatified by Pope Pius XI in 1933 and subsequently made a saint under the pontificate of Pope Pius XII in 1940.

His feast, or the day on which the liturgical memory is celebrated, falls on April 11, the date coinciding with the day of his death, despite being remembered by the Passionist order and by the archdiocese of Lucca on May 16.

Orphaned of her mother at just seven years of age, she was raised by her father and brothers in Lucca, completing her studies with the Oblate Sisters of the Holy Spirit until the day when, involved in a bankruptcy, her family lost all her possessions and she was forced to move to a decaying home located in via del Biscione in Lucca.

In that miserable house, Gemma Galgani received the stigmata.

Having been refused by the city monasteries, Gemma was taken up for adoption by the wealthy Giannini family who offered her food and accommodation, for about four years, at her home, located in via del Seminario in Lucca.

In that house, Gemma spent the last years of her short life, helped by her confessor and spiritual father, Monsignor Volpi, as well as by Father Germano Ruoppolo, a Passionist friar who subsequently wrote his first biography.

Sick of tuberculosis, she was removed, as a preventive measure, from the Giannini house and transferred to a nearby house, located in via della Rosa, where she died when she was 25 years old.

In 1935, work began on the construction of the sanctuary in Lucca dedicated to Santa Gemma, designed by the architect Italo Baccelli.

Due to the Second World War, the works were interrupted, which were resumed later and ended in 1965 with the final construction of the grandiose dome designed by the Bolognese architect Adriano Marabini.

Recommended readings
  • April 25: saint of the day, name day
  • April 30: saint of the day, name day
  • April 21: saint of the day, name day
  • April 6: saint of the day, name day
  • April 23: saint of the day, name day

Other saints and celebrations of 11 April

  • Santo Stanislao
  • Bishop and martyr

  • Beato Angelo (Carletti) from Chivasso
  • Priest

  • Sant ’Antipa di Pergamo
  • Martyr

  • San Barsanofio
  • Hermit

  • San Domnione (Donnione) of Salona
  • Bishop and martyr

  • Blessed Elena Guerra
  • Virgin

  • San Filippo di Gortina
  • Bishop in Crete

  • Blessed Giorgio Gervase
  • Benedictine priest, martyr

  • Saint Isaac of Monteluco
  • Monk

  • Blessed Lanuino
  • Carthusian monk

  • Blessed Sancia of Portugal
  • Princess, virgin

    The April 2019 World Report of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (April 2024)

Tags: April