April 22: saint of the day, name day


The Saint of the day April 22 is San Leonida, which name day is celebrated and other saints who are celebrated on this date.

San Leonida

San Leonida, who lived in the second century AD, was killed by means of a sword because he did not want to deny his Christian faith.

The edict of Emperor Septimius Severus, as Clement Alexandria says, brought about the martyrdom of many Christians in Egypt, including Leonidas who was beheaded with a saber in 204, leaving seven children without a father, the eldest of whom, was called Origen, become famous for being a great Christian theologian.

In recounting Origen's life, Eusebio dwells for a long time in accurately describing the loving parental care with which Leonidas devoted himself to educating his son in the study of Sacred Scripture.

The extent to which Leonidas thanked God for having given him a son so eager to learn from an early age is highlighted, it seems that at night, while he slept, he stopped to kiss even his chest, as if it were a shrine of the Holy Spirit.

Eusebio also handed down a fragment of the letter that his seventeen-year-old son sent to his father in prison to encourage him to martyrdom.

Other saints and celebrations on April 22nd

  • Sant’Agapito I
  • Pope

  • San Caio
  • Pope

  • Saints Epipodus and Alexander
  • Martyrs

  • Blessed Francesco da Fabriano
  • San Leone di Sens
  • Bishop

  • St. Maryahb
  • Martyr

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    • April 25: saint of the day, name day
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  • Sant ’Opportuna di Seez
  • Abbess

  • Santa Senorina di Vieira
  • Abbess

  • San Sotere (or Sotero)
  • Pope

    Feast of St. George, Pope Francis' name day (January 2025)

Tags: April