April 8: saint of the day, name day


The Saint of the day 8 April is San Dionigi of Corinto, which name day is celebrated and other saints who are celebrated on this date.

St. Dionysius of Corinth

San Dionigi was bishop of Corinth in the second century at the time of Marcus Aurelius.

He ruled his Church with much wisdom, charity and zeal, but there is no news about his life or even the precise date of his death.

The Greeks honor him on 29 November as a martyr and the Latins on 8 April as a confessor.

Eusebius of Caesarea brought us to the knowledge of seven epistles written by San Dionigi addressed to various churches.

To the Church of Athens, where he stimulated to renew the faith and regulate conduct based on the Gospel.

To the members of the Church of Lacedemone, to educate them in the Catholic faith and encourage them to peace.

To the Church of Nicomedia, against Marcione's mistakes.

To the Christians of the Church of Gortina in Crete, to warn them against the artifices of the heretics.

To the Church of Amastri in Ponto, for the intelligence of writing and instructions on marriage and virginity.

To the Church of Knossos in Crete.

Recommended readings
  • April 25: saint of the day, name day
  • April 30: saint of the day, name day
  • April 21: saint of the day, name day
  • April 6: saint of the day, name day
  • April 23: saint of the day, name day

To that of Rome and to their Bishop, Pope San Sotero to thank him for the alms he had made to the Church of Corinth.

In addition to these seven universal letters, Eusebio cites an octave sent to a good Christian named Crisofora, to whom she gave notices conforming to her condition.

Through fragments of the letters of Saint Dionysius we learn that Saint Peter suffered martyrdom in Rome and that Saint Dionysius the Areopagite was Bishop of Athens.

Other saints and celebrations of April 8

  • Sant'Agabo
  • Prophet

  • Sant ’Amanzio di Como
  • Bishop

  • Blessed Augusto Czartoryski
  • Priest

  • Blessed Clement of Osimo
  • Religious

  • San Dionigi
  • Bishop of Alexandria

  • Blessed Dominic (Iturrate Zubero) of the SS. Sacrament
  • Trinitarian priest

  • Saints Herodione, Asincrito and Flegone
  • Disciples of Saint Paul

  • Blessed Giuliano di Sant'Agostino
  • Franciscan

  • Santa Maria Rosa Giulia Billiart
  • Nun

  • Saints Timothy, Diogenes, Macarius and Maximus
  • Martyrs

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