August 5: saint of the day, name day


The Saint of the day 5 August is San Emidio martyr bishop, which name day is celebrated and other saints who are celebrated on this date.

San Emidio bishop martyr

Emidio of Ascoli, born in Trier in 273 and died in Ascoli Piceno on 5 August 309, was a Roman bishop, today revered as a martyr by the Catholic Church and patron of the Diocese of Ascoli Piceno and the town of Leporano, as well as protector against the earthquake .

His conversion to Christianity took place thanks to the preaching of Saints Nazario and Celso, who became catechumen, was baptized and dedicated his life to the study of the Holy Scriptures.

The saint's remains are kept in the underground crypt of the cathedral of Ascoli Piceno, known as the Crypt of Sant 'Emidio, while the place of execution is remembered with the temple of Sant' Emidio Rosso.

Other saints and celebrations on August 5

  • Santa Maria della Neve
  • San Cassiano di Autun
  • Bishop

  • Blessed Federico Janssoone
  • Santa Margherita da Cesolo
  • San Memmio
  • Bishop

  • Holy grandmother
  • bride

  • Sant ’Osvaldo of Northumbria
  • King and martyr

  • San Paride
  • Bishop of Teano

  • Blessed Pietro Michele Noel
  • Martyr

  • San Venanzio di Viviers
  • Bishop

    അനുദിന വിശുദ്ധർ (Saint of the Day) June 5th - St.Boniface of Mainz (January 2025)

Tags: August