Baked snapper with steamed potatoes


How to cook red snapper in the oven, a simple and quick preparation recipe that explains how to cook fish, before serving it accompanied by steamed potatoes.

Ingredients for 4 people

- 1 snapper of about 1 kg

- 1 crushed clove of garlic

- 1 sprig of rosemary

- 1 knob of butter

- 1 glass of dry white wine

- 50 g of extra virgin olive oil

- freshly ground black pepper

- salt

- 400 g of potatoes

How to prepare red snapper in the oven

Scale the snapper, open it on the abdomen and remove the entrails, then wash it in and out under running water.

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Dry the fish well, also on the inside, and put in the salt, pepper, rosemary, garlic and a knob of butter.

Meanwhile, peel, cut the potatoes into chunks, and steam them in the special basket.

Grease the baking dish with part of the oil, put the fish in it, salt and pepper again, pour the remaining oil over it and put it in the oven.

While cooking, wet the fish twice with white wine.

After about 20/25 minutes the red snapper is cooked.

Serve the red snapper accompanied by the steamed potatoes.

Tags: Fish main courses