Baked turkey breast roll with potatoes


How to cook the roll of turkey breast in the oven, recipe with a side dish of potatoes with rosemary and sage, to be cooked in the oven and served on the table cut into slices.

Ingredients for 4 people

- 800 g of turkey breast

- 500 g of already peeled new potatoes

- 2 sprigs of rosemary

- 2 sprigs of sage

- extra virgin olive oil

- salt

- pepper

How to bake the turkey breast roll in the oven

Roll up and then tie the turkey breast with the kitchen string and rub it with salt and pepper, then put it in a pan with the chopped rosemary and sage leaves.

Add the potatoes, salt and sprinkle them with oil, then put in the oven at a temperature of 200 ° C for about 15 minutes.

After this time, lower the temperature to 180 ° C, continuing cooking for another thirty minutes.

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During cooking, turn the turkey once and occasionally the potatoes to prevent sticking to the pan.

When finished, remove the turkey roll from the oven and cut it into slices, then serve it with the side dish of baked potatoes.

Easy Roast Rolled Turkey Breast! (April 2024)

Tags: Main courses of meat