Cacciucco alla viareggina without bones


How to make cacciucco alla viareggina without bones, recipe to cook with different types of fish with fishbone, lobster, octopus, cuttlefish and cicadas, to be served with slices of homemade bread.

Ingredients for 6 portions

- Cuttlefish: gr. 500

- Cicadas: gr. 500

- Ripe or peeled tomatoes gr. 500

- Fish with fishbone, scorpion fish, moorhen, shoulder bag: gr. 800

- Palombetto: gr. 500

- Rock octopus: gr. 500

- An onion

- 3 cloves of garlic

- Chili pepper

- Little red wine

Recommended readings
  • Thermidore lobster, original recipe with sauce
  • Stuffed cuttlefish easy to make in a pan with white wine
  • Stuffed anchovies breaded and fried
  • Nicoise sole: recipe with lemon
  • Grilled San Pietro fish fillets in the oven

- 6 slices of homemade bread

- Olive oil

- Salt

How to prepare cacciucco alla viareggina without bones

Thoroughly clean all the fish you have chosen of a rather small size.

Scale them, disembowel them and eliminate fins and bones.

Peel the skin and cut it into 6 or 7 cm logs.

Clean the molluscs well and cut them into pieces.

Make a fine mince of garlic, onion, parsley and chilli pepper and brown it in half a glass of oil.

As soon as the onion begins to brown, pour in half a glass of wine and when it has evaporated, put the octopus and cuttlefish in the pot.

After a few ninuti add the tomatoes, salt and continue to cook for another quarter of an hour. Add the other fish and continue cooking for twenty minutes.

If necessary, add hot water or fish broth.

Serve the rather liquid cacciucco on slices of toasted and lightly garlic bread.

Remember that cacciucco can be enjoyed with young red wine.

3 - Il vero Cacciucco alla livornese..l'appetito mi riprese! (piatto unico di pesce original recipe) (March 2024)

Tags: Fish main courses