BooksBitesBrews ping is a useful ping verification tool to check the response time of a web network server by entering domain or ip address.
How to test ping
Click on the "Start" button and wait for the result.
Try the new Turbo Test with automatic choice of our server closest to your location.
Important: it is recommended to carry out the test periodically.
Check ping
A ping test is used to measure the delay in the transmission of data by internet connections present in a given fixed location to a specific destination.
The returned value is nothing more than the time, expressed in milliseconds, used by the microdata sent to travel the distance that separates the user's computer or other device from the server hosting the program used to verify the ping of the internet connection.
It is mainly used to check the reachability of a server and to calculate the latencies present in network transmissions which generally have higher values as the distance between the location from which the test is carried out and the PC to which you connect by launching increases a command line or web ping.