Chicken salad with fruit


How to make chicken salad with fruit, a recipe that includes black grapes, orange and avocado among the few ingredients needed to prepare the sauce.

Ingredients for 4 people

- 400 gr of chicken breast

- 250 gr. of black grapes

- 1 orange

- 1 avocado

- 1 pink grapefruit

- 1 lemon

- 6 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil

- 1 bunch of parsley

- salt and pepper

Preparing chicken salad with fruit

Peel the orange and grapefruit by peeling them carefully, also cleaning the skin that covers them inside the peel, divide them into wedges and put them in a bowl.

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Heat three tablespoons of oil in a pan, lay the chicken breasts on them and cook them 7-8 minutes per side, giving them flavor with salt and pepper.

After remove the chicken breasts from the pan by placing them on a sheet of absorbent paper to remove the excess cooking oil and let them cool.

Wash and dry the grapes, cut the berries in half by removing the seeds.

Squeeze the lemon and collect it in a well filtered cup of filaments and seeds.

Divide the avocado in half and remove the core, then with a spoon remove the pulp to be divided into squares and immediately wet with a little lemon juice.

Put the salt, the remaining lemon juice and a pinch of freshly ground pepper in a bowl, stirring until the salt has completely dissolved.

Add the oil and make the sauce emulsify with the help of a fork.

Cut the chicken breasts into large dice and place them in a salad bowl, adding the grapefruit and orange wedges, the avocado cubes and the grapes.

Pour the prepared sauce by mixing carefully, let the salad rest in a cool place for 15 minutes.

After serving immediately, garnishing everything with parsley leaves previously washed and well dried.

Fruit and Chicken Salad (April 2024)

Tags: appetizers