Cod in white with potatoes


How to make white cod with potatoes, a recipe that includes, among the ingredients, catmint and chili pepper, to be served in a bowl with homemade toasted bread.

Ingredients for 4 portions

- Chili pepper

- 2 large potatoes

- Homemade bread

- Olive oil

- Soaked cod: gr. 800

- 4 cloves of garlic

- Nepitella

- Salt

Preparation of white cod with potatoes

Dilute and peel the cod, then cut it into pieces of about 5 centimeters by 5.

In a saucepan, put a liter and a half of cold water, add the whole ones, the catmint, a pinch of red pepper, the potatoes in small pieces, half a glass of oil and a little salt.

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Boil slowly for about half an hour, then add the cod and cook another quarter of an hour, slowly and with the container uncovered.

In a tureen put slices of toasted bread and pour the cod soup over it.

How to cook Baked Cod with Potatoes and Tomatoes (March 2024)

Tags: Fish main courses