Discussion forum: meaning, how to participate


Participate actively in free discussion forums on the web by inserting contributions and comments to the topics treated constructively.

Meaning discussion forum

The term forum community indicates a website structured in such a way as to be able to contain discussions and messages written by users who form the virtual community that develops around the topics it deals with.

The most popular topics in the free forums are technology, such as computer and video and pc forums, video games, politics, current affairs, along with many other topics of all kinds including women's forums, home forums, sports forums and auto forum.

Unlike a chat, messages written in a discussion forum can also be read at different times and remain available. There are also forums used to provide support for certain services or products and forums also identified as discussion groups or bulletin boards for free classifieds.

Most of the forums require free registration of each user before they can send new messages and in some cases reeds to be able to read them.

To join a forum where registration is required, a nickname or nick is used, as a pseudonym used by users to create their identity in the community that revolves around the forum.

A nickname should be carefully chosen to allow users to stand out in the crowd, to catch the attention of others and to be easily remembered.

When a nickname offers clear untrue indications about the identity of its owner, such as a nickname indicating male rather than female or another that is too similar to that of another user with greater notoriety to pretend to be him, he defines himself as fake .

Forum managers generally qualify as administrators with the ability to edit, delete or move any message.

An administrator can also close a forum, make changes to the script used to generate it, delete and create users.

Another common figure in the forums is that of the moderators who are usually chosen by the administrators and who have the task of moderating the discussions to keep calm among the participating users and to check that the regulation is respected.

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A post is a text message, written as an opinion or comment, loaded on a special space made available on the internet which allows its publication, generally it is a forum.

Hence the term posting, which precisely describes the action of putting a post on the web space made available.

The topic expresses the main topic of the forum under discussion and serves to indicate the topic on which they can read and provide contributions.

A topic is usually opened by the first user who launches the discussion and waits for others to participate to investigate the proposed topic.

The choice of the topic of a message is extremely important as it is the first thing that catches the eye of the reader to immediately understand the topic.

It must be mainly clear, concise, simple and very direct.

Very important is the object that as a label must be able to summarize the content as much as possible by helping to establish a category of belonging.

The topic serves to engage other readers capable of providing a constructive answer or contribution as a solution to a question asked.

The abbreviation OT, which indicates the English term Off Topic or translated into Italian "off topic", puts as a label to an intervention that went off the topic.

Labeling as Off Topic has the purpose of making the existing topic better readable and more useful to avoid digressions that would make it incomprehensible or difficult to follow.

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