Tomato soup: original recipe
How to make pappa al pomodoro, typical Tuscan original recipe to cook in a few simple steps, necessary ingredients, procedure and cooking time. Ingredients for 4 people- Stale homemade bread gr....
How to make pappa al pomodoro, typical Tuscan original recipe to cook in a few simple steps, necessary ingredients, procedure and cooking time. Ingredients for 4 people- Stale homemade bread gr....
How to make an onion soup to be au gratin in the oven after cooking in a pan, ingredients and preparation procedure for a recipe to finish with Gruyere cheese before serving. Ingredients for 4...
How to make passatelli in broth with asparagus by making a mixture with breadcrumbs, eggs, parmesan and butter, then mixing the passatelli with asparagus in the hot broth. Ingredients for 4 people-...
How to cook tagliatelle with spinach and gorgonzola sauce, recipe including whipping cream from the necessary ingredients, to be prepared in about 30 minutes. Ingredients for 4 people- 400 g of...
Here is the recipe for making spaghetti alla carrettiera with bacon, porcini mushrooms, canned tuna, garlic, extra virgin olive oil and grated Parmesan cheese, optional. Ingredients for 4 people-...
How to make the ravioli stuffed with aubergines and ricotta with tomato sauce marinated in herbs, recipe for a dish rich in aromas and flavors, reminiscent of summer flavors. Ingredients for 4...
Recipes delicious first courses, quick and easy in the preparation, collection and guide to the preparation excellent dishes to be served on the table as a first course for any occasion. Meaning...
How to cook green tagliatelle with mushrooms and bacon, recipe with champignons, onions and cooking cream among the ingredients, to be prepared in about 35 minutes. Ingredients for 4 people- 400 g...
How to cook a savory cabbage and potato soup by cooking the vegetables in the hot broth after having flavored them in the sauteed onion, garlic and oil. Ingredients for 4 people- 1/4 round green...
How to make pumpkin soup with cannellini beans, recipe with black cabbage that explains how to flavor vegetables with garlic, sage and rosemary. Ingredients for 4 people- 1/4 of pumpkin - 2...