The Saint of the day February 6 is Saint Paul Miki and companions, which name day is celebrated and other saints who are celebrated on this date.
St. Paul Miki and companions
Paolo Miki born in Kioto, Japan, in 1556 entered the Society of Jesus very young, which had spread following the preaching of St. Francis Xavier.
Being of Japanese culture and language, he had no difficulty in learning the Buddhist religion, managing to sustain animated discussions with the infidels which resulted in numerous conversions.
In 1596 the Shogun Taicosama ordered that all missionaries be arrested.
Paul was also captured and imprisoned together with his other companions.
Paolo and Compagni were cruelly tortured and their left ear was cut off, exposing them to the mockery of the population.
On February 5, 1597 they were first crucified and then pierced on a hill near Nagasaki, using two crossed spears that pierced the heart.
Considered proto-martyrs of Japan, these heroes of the faith were canonized by Pius IX in 1862.
Other saints and celebrations of February 6
- Blessed Alfonso Maria Fusco
- Sant ’Amando of Maastricht
- Blessed Angelo da Furci
- Sant'Antoliano
- San Brinolfo Algotsson
- February 16: saint of the day, name day
- February 17: saint of the day, name day
- February 21: saint of the day, name day
- February 2: saint of the day, name day
- February 10: saint of the day, name day
- Saint Dorothea of Alexandria
- Blessed Francesco Spinelli
- San Guarino di Palestrina
- San Matteo Correa Magallanes
- San Melis of Ardagh
- Santa Renilde
- San Silvano di Emesa
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