First of meat

Pappardelle with duck sauce

How to cook pappardelle with duck sauce, recipe with red wine, zucchini and carrots, as well as black olives among the ingredients, to be prepared in about 40 minutes. Ingredients for 4 people- 500...

Risotto with artichokes and sausage

How to make risotto with artichokes and sausage, a recipe to be prepared in a short time in the classic way, or with cooking in vegetable broth added in small doses for the necessary time. ...

Baked rice pie with meat sauce

How to cook baked rice pudding, a recipe that includes a sauce with mixed meat sauce and vegetables with grated Parmesan cheese and egg. Ingredients for 8 people- 500 gr arborio rice - ragù with...

Pasta and beans with pork rind

How to cook pasta and beans with pork rind in the classic version of the recipe, which also includes bacon among the ingredients, to be served lukewarm. Ingredients for 6 portions- 1 bone of ham -...

Pappardelle with hare: Tuscan recipe

How to make pappardelle with hare following the Tuscan recipe, guide to preparation with detailed procedure and ingredients, including bacon and onion with olive oil dressing. Ingredients for 4...

Potato tortelli: recipe with bacon

How to make potato tortelli, recipe with added bacon and nutmeg filling, all the necessary ingredients and dressing with meat or mushroom sauce of your choice. Ingredients for 6 people- White flour...
