Friulian salmese roe with vegetables


How to cook Friulian salmì roe, a recipe that requires a 48-hour marinade in a cool place, with a subsequent browning of the meat separately before adding it to the marinade to finish cooking, finally serving it surrounded by pieces of vegetables and sprinkled with the sauce obtained from the cooking base.

Ingredients for 4 people

- 800 g of shoulder or roe deer leg pulp

- 50 g of olive oil

- 80 g of butter

- 1 bottle of aged Cabernet

- 1 medium sized onion

- 2 green celery ribs

- 1 fairly large carrot

- 2 cloves of garlic

- 1 bunch of parsley

- 2 cloves

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- 3 bay leaves

- 1/2 glass of red wine vinegar

- a pinch of ground cinnamon

- salt and black peppercorns

How to prepare Friulian salmì roe deer

Cut the meat into pieces of the same size.

Wash the vegetables, onion, celery and carrot, then cut them into small pieces, slice the garlic, peel the parsley leaves and crush the peppercorns.

Put this preparation in a pan, then cover it with the wine and vinegar, add the bay leaf, cloves and cinnamon.

Leave to marinate for 48 hours in a cool place.

After 48 hours, put the pan with the marinade to cook on medium heat for about half an hour.

Aside, brown the meat well with the oil and butter until it is dry, then add the marinade and salt, then cook over low heat for about an hour and a half.

Serve the meat with the chopped vegetables and sprinkled with a creamy sauce obtained by sieving the cooking juices.

Tags: Main courses of meat