Funny phrases

Beard phrases: aphorisms, funny quotes

Funny phrases on the beard, quotes and aphorisms on natural hair that can partially, more or less evidently cover the face of a man. Quotes on the beard- Understand that you are exaggerating when...

Jokes to laugh so hard

A collection of jokes to laugh so much with a lot of laughing out loud on different topics. Lots of laughter to ease the tension of everyday life. Jokes to laugh loudlyAfter 130 km / hour my car...

Work phrases: aphorisms, quotes

Collection of phrases at work, funny aphorisms and famous quotes on one of the activities that can better than mankind offer dignity and fulfillment in life. Quotes about work- Work ennobles man....

Phrases on Petrol: funny aphorisms

Funny phrases about petrol, nice aphorisms containing the term petrol, fuel gauge used to drive most motor vehicles. Petrol aphorisms- My concept of reckless life is to travel by car with the...

Very funny short jokes

Collection of very funny short jokes that make you laugh laughing between stories and intriguing tales to make a lot of laughs. Among the most widespread jokes we can remember those of Pierino, a...
