Garmugia alla lucchese: recipe for preparing soup


How to prepare the Lucca garmugia soup, a typical recipe for a Tuscan first course from the ancient tradition of Lucca.

Ingredients for 4 people

- 3 new spring onions

- 2 artichokes

- 4 tablespoons of fresh peas

- 4 tablespoons of fresh pods

- 3 tablespoons of asparagus tips

- Ground veal meat gr. 100

- Bacon: gr. 50

- One liter of broth

- 2 slices of homemade bread

- Olive oil

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- Salt

How to prepare the garmugia alla lucchese

In a pan, brown the sliced ​​onions and the finely chopped bacon in 4 tablespoons of oil.

As soon as the onions wilt, add the minced meat and after a few minutes add all the vegetables (clean the artichokes and cut them into small wedges).

Salt, cook for a few minutes then pour the broth.

Boil about 40 minutes, until the vegetables are completely cooked.

Serve the garmugia with toasted and diced toasted bread.


Tags: First classics