How many national parks are there in the United States


Guide to visit the 58 national parks in the United States, those most visited for their naturalistic characteristics recognized worldwide.

National parks in the United States

There are 58 national parks in the United States of America and are administered by the National Park Service, a federal agency employed by the interior department.

Although the areas administered by the National Park Service are 391, only 58 are classified as National Park.

Areas not included in this classification are named with other definitions including National Monuments, National Preserves, National Historic Parks and National Memorials.

The most visited national parks in the United States are Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Grand Canyon National Park, Yosemite National Park, Yellowstone National Park and Olympic National Park.

Yellowstone National Park, created in 1872 by the then president of the United States Ulysses Grant, was the first park not only in the United States but in the world.

25 Best National Parks in the USA (April 2024)

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