How to clean and sanitize the washing machine internally


To extend the life of a washing machine it is essential to perform simple periodic cleaning operations, which require little time but are extremely effective.

External cleaning

Prepare a mixture of Marseille soap, liquid or flakes to dissolve in half a liter of water with the addition of a glass of white vinegar, a spoonful of lemon juice and a spoonful of baking soda.

After having thoroughly emulsified everything, immerse a sponge in the mixture and, after wringing it, begin to pass, rubbing, all sides of the appliance, in order to remove all traces of dirt.

Internal cleaning

As for internal cleaning, it is advisable not to forget the cleaning of the filter related to the water drain, to be carried out at least once a year.

No less important is the habit of keeping the circular seal positioned between the drum and the door clean, to do this it is sufficient to prepare a small basin with a little laundry detergent dissolved in a little water, where to dip a sponge to pass on the interested parts .

It is also recommended to add a glass of vinegar to the detergent compartment every ten washes, to disinfect the basket and prevent the formation of limescale on the electrical resistance.

In fact, an encrusted electrical resistance tends to last less over time and to lengthen the washing times, due to the decreased ability to produce heat to heat the washing water, with a consequent increase in electricity consumption.


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