How to make beautiful landscape photos: tips and techniques


Before starting to analyze how to make beautiful landscape photos, it is advisable to distinguish between the various types of photographic landscape, distinguishing the various genres, the photographic technique will have to adapt to the different shooting conditions.

Types of landscape

Postcard landscape

The postcard landscape usually represents a memory, a frequent way to witness the beauty and charm of a visited place.

The image obtained should have, as main purpose, to document at best, with as much detail as possible, a certain place.

Typical examples of postcard landscapes are a coastal view of the sea, a mountain panorama and an architectural landscape present in a city of art.

Symbolic landscape

By defining a symbolic landscape, we mean the timeless one, representing, for example, the grandeur of natural beauty, such as high mountain peaks and other pristine scenery where nature predominates.

Interpreted landscape

By letting your imagination run wild, you can think of taking a beautiful view with a particular shooting angle that makes it original, or of extracting a little notable detail from a subject normally seen in its entirety, in order to enhance something beautiful that would otherwise would not be appreciated.

Memory picture

The amateur photographer normally aims to take pictures of landscapes to enhance their beauty, but in some cases he is satisfied with a quick souvenir photo to fix an emotion felt at a given moment.

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Photographic tricks

The creation of a beautiful landscape photo cannot be separated from an appropriate choice of time of day.

It can be said that it is not recommended to photograph with the sun at midday, while the early hours of the morning and two hours before sunset are ideal as light conditions.

Photographic techniques

Among the main photographic techniques, it is worth mentioning that of choosing the most appropriate diaphragm, depending on the distance from the subject, the light and the depth of field to be obtained.

The depth of field expresses the maximum space in which the subjects shot are in focus and varies according to the diaphragm.

Keep in mind that at a narrower diaphragm correspond greater exposure times and therefore lower shutter speed, which, in case of low light, entails the need to use a tripod instead of hand-free photography, in order to avoid an annoying blur effect.

For portraits, intermediate apertures with focal lengths of around 100 mm are preferable, while for landscapes and macros, narrower apertures are fine, which make it easier to focus on the subject at close range.

Landscape Photography Tips | A Beginners Guide (April 2024)

Tags: Photography, Technology