How to photograph at the sea: tricks and useful tips


Photographing at the sea is an operation that requires some basic precautions, to be kept in mind if you want to take good photos, from a correct horizon line to optimal light contrasts, which vary according to the time of day.

Horizon line

The less experienced will probably not even notice, but photographers with some experience will surely look like a defect in framing seeing, in the photo taken, the water horizon tilted.

The error is easily demonstrable because the sea water cannot go uphill or downhill, to avoid it you must be careful to always keep the horizon line of the sea, the one to be understood that we see at the point where the sky and the water seems to intrate in contact, parallel to the top or bottom side of the viewfinder or display of our digital camera.

Taking pictures with strong contrasts of light

Photography on the beach and in many situations that generally occur at the sea, is frequently characterized by very high contrasts of light, where areas of shadow and light alternate.

This involves three choices, on the part of the photographer, the first, more natural, consists in preferring the light areas, keeping the shaded areas almost in the dark, the second, giving priority to the shaded areas, but overexposing, as side effect, the most illuminated areas, the third consists in averaging, with the exposure meter, between the necessary exposure time in the areas where the light is strongest and the one where it is weakest.

The advice to give is to try some shots, choose the best one and delete everything else from the memory card of the digital camera.

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Tags: Photography