How to prepare a crunchy almond semifreddo


Detailed guide to prepare the almond crunchy semifreddo, recipe with a layer of chopped dark chocolate, to be kept in the freezer for a few hours before serving.

Ingredients 6 portions

- n. 13 macaroons

- n. 5 egg yolks

- 5 tablespoons of sugar

- gr. 500 of classic almond brittle

- gr. 150 dark chocolate

- half a liter of whipped cream

Preparation of the almond brittle parfait

Chop the crunchy, the amaretti and the dark chocolate separately.

Beat the egg yolks with the sugar and add the whipped cream.

In a mold layered: the chopped crunchy, the whipped cream with the egg yolks and sugar, the chopped amaretti and the chopped dark chocolate.

Put the mold in the freezer and keep it for at least a few hours before consuming it.

Almond Dulce de Leche and Salt Flakes Semifreddo / Food Channel L - A New Recipe Every Day! (September 2024)

Tags: Desserts